Valenna Twins

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By Hallieeeee

(Jenna's POV)

"GET THEM OUT OF ME!" I yell at Val for the hundredth time in probably the last twenty minutes, I'm in labor and having a set of twin girls. "Sorry Jen, but they run on their own schedule." Val replies and I glare at him. I've been waiting the past eight months to meet these baby girls and now they've decided to take their good old time. "I just want them to evacuate." I whine and Val stifles a laugh at my statement. "Hey you try carrying double trouble." I explain as a contraction hits. Finally after a few more intense labor, our first twin is born at 3:11am and we named her Hallie Alexandra and then at 3:16am, our younger twin was born and we named her Marissa "Rissa" Leigh. 

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