Our First Steps

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"Nyle, babe" Sharna shook her tired husband awake.

Nyle sat up, wiped his eyes, and planted a soft kiss on Sharna's lips, as he signed, "Morning my love. The twins must be up"

Sharna giggled at his pouty expression. They adore the twin girls, but they could never get a wink of sleep. "Yes baby, but I have something to show you." She signed with happiness, gripping tightly into her husband's hand.

"But, um, Shar. Laur and Riss-" Nyle signed.

Sharna smiled, signing back, "Relax babe. I know, I got this. Look." She dragged Nyle out of bed and down the stairs to see his baby girls playing with their stuffed monkey toys on big blankets. He smiled, picking up each baby with no problem at all.

The love that gleamed in her husband's eyes each time he held her children in his arms was enough to let Sharna know that the twins have him wrapped around their little fingers.

"Da Da" Rissa giggled, looking up at her father.

Lauren gurgled out some words and leaned her head on her father's shoulder.

Nyle teared up, staring at two of his princesses with admiration and amazement. How was it possible that they would be turning one next week? He remembers them swaddled in their cribs at three days old.

Rissa started to toss and turn, with some whines here and there. Nyle carefully put Rissa into Sharna's arms, as she rocked her and sang. He smiled at his small family, grateful that he decided to compete on Dancing With the Stars. If he had not, he would not have the three loves of his life to look forward seeing every day.

Sharna placed Rissa back onto the blanket, Nyle immediately doing the same with Lauren. The twins were inseparable, always wanting to do the exact thing as the other sister. Nyle glanced at his watch, sighing when the clock read 7:30. He loved his job, but not as much as he loved his family. "I got to go to work." Nyle signed hastily, realizing his photo shoot begins at 9. He gave Sharna a peck on the lips, then kissed the Twins' heads softly.

Once Nyle was out the door, Sharna picked up a squealing Rissa, kissing her forehead, as Lauren scrambled up and started walking

Sharna gasped, "What? How? When? Oh my gosh, baby you're walking!"

Lauren just giggled and continued to waddle around the class.

Rissa's eyes widened, "Down mama!!"

Sharna obediently put the smaller twin down, and watched as she tried to follow Lauren's lead.

"Hand" Lauren smiled, reaching out to her sister.

So there were little Lauren and Rissa waddling around the kitchen together, holding hands, walking for the first time.

"Oh my goodness, my babies!" She screamed out in glee. She had been waiting for this moment since the day they were born. Rissa and Laur finally started walking, and Sharna was proud of her princesses. "Your daddy's going to be so excited to see this!"

She instantly took her phone out of her  purse and sprinted back to the blabbering one year olds. She pressed record, beaming at her kids. "Say hi to daddy!"

Lauren and Rissa toddled around the living room. "Dada, dada!" They both yelled simultaneously.

When Nyle received the video, he rushed out of the photo shoot, not wanting to miss the monumental moment his family was having.

He ran through the door, picking up Lauren and Rissa, kissing them both.

He signed to Sharna, "Our perfect family"

Written by me and BrownHairedBeauty44 :)))

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