Little Dancer

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Lindsay's POV

Scrolling through my instagram comments, so many people ask me for advice to aspiring dancers. I absolutely want to help anyone live out there dreams just like I did. I quickly tagged a bunch of accounts as I replied:

To the little girl with her first pair of ballet slippers or ballroom heels,

You're about to enter a sport that is going to change your life forever.

You're going to fall. A lot. It's going to hurt sometimes. But you know what? It's okay to fall. We all do it. The important thing is that you get back up and try again.

You might get frustrated a few times. There might be one specific move that you just can't do, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes your body aches so much that you can't even walk afterwards. There are going to be days where you just want to quit.

But there are days where you never want to leave the stage. The feeling of nailing your first lift or perfecting a dance for the first time will never leave you. There's always something new to try, something new to experiment with.

The floor is your home. It's a safe haven. No matter what kind of stress you may have in your life, dance will relieve it. If you feel like your whole world is falling apart and you don't know what to do, the floor will be there for you.

The friends you make through this sport will last a lifetime. School friends come and go, but dance friends will last forever. These are the friends you can't wait to see every morning, and that, even when you all go off to college, you can't wait to see at the next competition.

This first pair of shoes means everything. This is your starting point. No matter what happens in life, remember the feeling of the first time putting on these shoes. Remember the happiness and joy that made you fall in love with this sport. Remember that dancing is beautiful and complicated, and also a hell of a lot of fun.

I hope you're ready for the greatest adventure of your life.

With love,

Someone who is eager to teach you

Lindsay Arnold <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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