ESHA Forever

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He goes by many names, but I call him my Best Friend. Ever since I moved to this sad excuse for a town, he has been there for me. We grew up together. No worries or cares. Just bouncing through life like running through a big field on a sunny day. And if I tripped on my shoelace, I knew he could grab my hand and pick me up again. Then we could go back to running until our legs got tired and laughing 'till it hurt. But each day, the skies got more cloudy. We knew a storm was coming but we never expected that growing up would take us out and change us.

As time went on, school, sports, and friends busied our lives. We met other people, went to different places, and did things that interested us. We were seperate. But not for long. We started talking, laughing, and chilling together. We were Best Friends again.

Years went by and we were still Best Friends. I never told anyone but, I started to like my Best Friend more then a friend. He would never like me that way though. I'm just me. Nothing special. Then the unthinkable happened. He told me that he liked me too. I remember feeling so special. I will never forget the first time we hugged eachother. I had to leave and we both looked at eachother. "I wonder if he's gonna" He hugged me and I melted. As he pulled away, his hand went down my arm and he said good-bye. I really liked him.

Yet, something seemed wrong. I missed running and laughing in the field, not worrying or caring about anything in the whole wide world. Just being friends. I didnt know how to explain that to him without hurting his feelings. In a while, we didn't like eachother anymore. Soon though, after alot of talking and working things out, we were back in BFF rhythm.

We encouraged, counted on, relied, and stood up for eachother. Everything that two Best Friends should do.

To this day I am still Best Friends with him. And I hope I can always call him my Best Friend.

aw i don't know, i feel like this kinda describes esha. like the were friends, then dated, and then best friends, and dated again. idk, oops

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