Fan girls

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Sharna's POV

"Abby, Charna! Come on, I gotta meet my partner today"

The girls filed into the car as we were talking about my new partner. 

Abby spoke up, "There's a rumor that Derek got Lana Del Rey. I hope thats true, I love her"

I responded, "yeah its true. You guys can meet her today"

Abby squealed while my younger sister Charna was confused. 

The four year old spoke up, "Who's Lana BoRae?"

Abby laughed because she had no clue who she was, "My favorite singer Char"

We arrived at the studio and after the girls met my partner, Abby went off to find Derek.

"DEREK CAN I MEET LANA" Abby screams as she hugs him

"Yeha babe, come on" he chuckled.

"Lana, this is my niece, Abby" Derek says

Lana engulfs her in a hug, "OMG IS IT REALLY YOU ILYSM" Abby screams

"Haha yeah it is, I hope we can become great friends" Lana says back.

Charna runs in, "ooh are you the girl my sissy loves. she talk about you allllll the time"

Lana smiles, "Yeah! Hi, I'm Lana. You must be Charna"

"Yeah dats me!"

The rest of the season was fun as Abby was still fangirling, and Charna was still confused.


Thought: If boys obsess over someone is it called fanboying??

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