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I was walking down the streets of New York with my best friend Sammi. She's 17 and I'm 14. We had stopped at the nearest Starbucks so she could use the restroom while I waited outside. I saw on twitter that Brittany Cherry was in NYC today too, but with my luck I knew I would never meet her. I just wanted her to notice me on my instagram account for her. I sighed as in the distance I saw a young lady stare at me from across the street. She was really pretty, but I couldn't catch a glance of what she looked like because Sammi came out. I sighed and spoke, "Sam, I told you Britt was in NYC today, right? I'm really hoping we can find her"

Sammi chuckled a bit, "Oh sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you she'll never notice you. You're just a poor, pathetic little girl who means nothing to anyone. Stop obsessing and knock some sense into that tiny brain of yours" She scuffed her heels and ran off.

Great, I just lost my best friend. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I faintly whispered, "What would Brittany Cherry do?"

I was knocked out of my thoughts when a girl responded, "Oh babe, you don't need to wonder. I'll tell you"

I whipped my long brown hair over my shoulder to come face to face with the Brittany Cherry. I suddenly didn't care that Sammi left me and I ran over to her and gave her a huge hug.

"Hah suck it, Sammi! I did find her" I screamed to absolutely nobody as Britt giggled.

"So, Marissa, right? I've seen your instagram"

I gasped, "Wait, you notice me?"

"I always notice you sweetie, and you're amazing. Sammi ain't got nothing on you. Let's go get you fixed up and how about you come to the studio with me for some last minute tour rehearsals?" Brittany grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much!" I squealed.

Brittany gave my hand a tight squeeze and giggled, "Awh Jenna was right! You are a cutie!"

I can't believe what just happened. Who would've thought that losing my best friend would result in me meeting my idol?!

xoxo love you brittany <3

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