The Call

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Requested by Hallie :)

Hallie's POV

"Mickey! I'm scared, what do we do?" I scream out as I hold onto her hand.

"Shh, Hal. It's okay. Let's call our parents" Mickey cooed

I called my Mom, "Ma! There's a shooting at school. I'm scared. I love you"

I could hear Mom screaming in the background, "Val! Hallie's school is in trouble, we're going to pick her up, come on" , while Dad screams back, "I'm here Jen, let's go. DONT WORRY BABY IM COMING" and then the line went dead.

Mickey ran off to tell Charna the plan.

Charna called her mom, "Mom, help there's a shooting. I need you and dad to come now" she screams. Sharna and Derek were very protective over her so we knew they were on their way.

Mickey's phone broke so I called Emma and Sasha for her. "Don't worry, baby girl. I'm coming" Sasha spoke as Emma whispered 'I love you'.

I couldn't find Riss anywhere. I'm so worried about her! Peta and Maks would be devastated if anything happened.

"Char, go find Riss! I'll stay with Hallie" Mickey shouted to the taller blonde.

Charna went off and found Marissa crying in the bathroom.

"Char Char, I'm scared. Someone came in here a minute ago with a gun and I hid" Marissa cried.

"It's okay, Riss. I got you. Your momma and dad are coming. Let's go find the others" Charna hugged the shorter girl and grabbed her hand.

Mickey and Charna and Riss and I told our parents where to meet us and they finally got here. Emma and Sasha arrived first, throwing themselves at Mickey. My mom and dad were next and they squeezed me so tight, I felt safe in their arms. Peta and Maks and Sharna and Derek came together and embraced their daughters in a hug. We all were happier now, and as we were leaving we wanted to have some last words.

Mickey spoke first, "Y'all are ignorant little pieces of poo" she screamed.

Charna went next, but simply stuck up her middle finger and walked away.

Marissa spoke, "How could you do this to  a bunch of twelve year olds? Go pick on someone your own size! And BTW, your guns are illegal here" and she spat at the school.

I decided to be the bigger person and simply walked away, but Dad had something to say.

"$*?#!" He screamed. Yup, that's my dad for ya.

Anyway, we all got home safely and the shooters were found and arrested.

I'm sorry this was so bad omg

but ily guys hb5101 charnamarkovna mickeyrose930

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