Little Pranksters

321 13 9

Hallie's POV

So we're on the tour bus and Mickey, Riss, Charna, and I decided we wanted to pull a prank on our Aunts and Uncles. We crossed off Emma (Mickey's mom), Jenna (My mom), Sharna (Charna's mom), and Brittany (Riss's mom) because we didn't want to get grounded. 

"I think we should prank Lindsay and Peta" Marissa suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that water one so when they open the door they'll get soaked" Charna smirked.

"Can we hide all of Artem's hair gel?" Mickey laughs.

"YESSSS" I screamed.

We had the perfect plan. Everything was set up and later that day, Lindsay and Peta walked into our living spaces soaked in water. Marissa was the closest to both of them, so we knew she was gonna get it. 


"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Linds follows.

Marissa is very sensitive and hates being yelled at because it reminds her of her past with her abusive father. 

She suddenly got quiet, "I'm sorry. We thought it was funny" she said as tear rolled down her cheek.

Charna grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly, "Riss, it's okay. Not your fault"

Mickey and I hugged her, "we love you"

Peta's heart sank, "no babe, no don't cry. we were joking! we're not mad"

Lindsay stroked her long brown hair, "We love you riss!"

She gently smiled as she sniffled and hugged her family.


Mickey was so excited to see Artem's reaction.


SHe put on an innocent smile, "Yes, Uncle Ar Ar?"

I smirked as Charna let out a squeal of laughter.

"Where the h**l is my hair gel?"

I spoke up, "What are you talking about?"

Charna smirked, "Maybe you just ran out, you could borrow some of Uncle Val's?" she suggested.

A frantic Val ran in, "HALLIE WHERE'S MY GEL?"

"HAHAHA nice one Char" I high fived the taller girl.

Emma walked in with the rest of the Moms, "Looks like Uncle Sasha taught our babies well"

idk if this was good, i hope it is?


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