Lindsay and Sam

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Sam's POV

Lindsay recently found out she was unable to have kids, which really disappointed her because she always wanted a little girl. I decided to tell her we should adopt a girl from Ms. Mary's orphanage.

Later that Day

Lindsay and Sam arrive at the orphanage where a group of girls age 6-12 are lined up. 

Lindsay's POV

I see a beautiful little girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes in the corner. She looks about 7 and she seems way to small for her age. I go up to her and smile. "Hi cutie, I'm Lindsay! What's your name?"

She blushes and responds, "I-I'm Marissa. You're really pretty"

Lindsay giggles, "You're so adorable Rissy! Tell me about yourself"

She suddenly gets shy and runs to her blankie, "Um I'm six. I've been here for 3 years. My mommy died when I was born and my Daddy hurt me. He kicked me and touched me and it wasn't nice. I'm the youngest girl here and they all hit me and take my food. I have one friend, her name is Hallie. She's really pretty like you, but she's 15. I also like to dance and color. That's it."

Lindsay gasps and hugs the girl. "Sam, I found her"

Marissa hides her face in Lindsay's neck. "Linds she's beautiful." Sam turns to the child, "Hey, how would you like it if we were your new Mommy and Daddy?"

Marissa cries and runs up to her room. Lindsay quickly follows.

"Is there something wrong, Rissy?"

"Are you guys gonna be like my old Mommy and Daddy?"

This broke my heart, "No baby we love you very much and we wanna be there for you forever"

Marissa giggles and hugs Lindsay, "Thank you Mommy!"

Lindsay smiles, "Let's get you packed up and you can say goodbye to Hallie"

They walk into Hallie's room, "Hallie this is my new Mommy. She's pwetty just like you. I love you" Marissa clings onto Hallie's legs.

"Bye baby, I'll miss you" Hallie hugs Marissa. 

Lindsay speaks up, "Hey Hallie, my friends want to adopt a fifteen year old, I think you'll be perfect for them"

Hallie smiles, "OMG yes thank you! What are their names?"

"Jenna and Val Chmerkovskiy. They're our neighbors"

Hallie squeals, "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Lindsay picks up Marissa and kisses her forehead, "our new life starts now"

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