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It was the finale. Lana and Derek vs. Shawn Mendes and Sharna.

"Come on, dad! You can do it" Abby shouted from the audience.

Sharna gasped, "Abby, what about your mother?" and smirked.

"I love you Momma! I love you both equally, but ya know. It's Lana sooooo"

Lana laughed and ran to give the younger girl a hug.


Abby was the first to cheer and congratulate her Dad and her idol, "CONGRATS GUYS YOU DESERVE IT!"

Lana smiled, "I love you! Thanks for being a fan, and a friend"

Abby hugged her and said, "Of course. I'll miss you"

Lana teared up and whispered, "Keep in touch"

"Aren't I so lucky to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?" Abby said, looking up at the older girl.

"It's not goodbye, it's only see you later" Lana smiled as Abby laughed at her corniness and waved 'see you later'

She scurried off to congratulate her mom as she thought to herself, "I have the most perfect family"

@A_FandomQueen im so sorry this is so late and its not the best but ily


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