True Friends

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"Mom, come on! There's nothing wrong with them, I've been talking to them for like 6 months, I've face timed them, and snap chatted them! They're real!"

"Rissa, no. How do I know that they aren't creepy old men?"

"I talk to them everyday, mom! I see their face!"

My mother sighed, "Rissa, I don't know."

My dad joined the conversation, "P, I think it's okay. Why not? She's 13, she's old enough to make these decisions."

"Maks, they aren't real friends. They don't know each other."

I gasped, "Mom. Your best friend is still your best friend. Even from half a world away. Distance can't sever that connection. Best friends are the kind of people who can survive anything. And when best friends see each other, after being separated by half the world and more miles than you can bear, you pick up right where you left off. Even if it was a FaceTime call. After all, that's what best friends do."

"Whoever said that must be really smart" my mom spoke

"Yeah, who said that?" My dad questioned.

"Emmi" I smirked and walked away as my parents stood there in shock.

"She's got your sass, for sure, Queen P"

"Drop it, Maks"


So here I am, on a plane to Canada, to finally meet Emmi and Mickey. Mom insisted on coming with me. We finally arrive and I search for Emmi and Mickey at the airport.

I spot them and drop my stuff, run, and cry.

"EMMI! MICKEY" I shout as I embrace them in a hug.

They tackle me to the ground as we cry happy tears.

Mickey smiled, "We finally broke the distance!"

Emmi laughed, "After 6 months of convincing!"

The girls glare at me as I put my hands up in defense, "hey i tried!"

"Mom, this is Emmi and Mickey. My best friends"

She smiled, "Well I've heard a lot about you guys! I guess this was the right decision if it makes my Rissa happy!"

Emmi grabs her moms hand, "This is my Mom, Sharna."

My mom gasps, and hugs the red head.

Sharna cries, "P, is it really you?"

All of a sudden, a tall brunette joins the hug.

"JENNA! MY SCISSOR SISTER" my mom shouts.

Mickey whispers, "Our moms know each other. They were best friends?"

The moms finally settle down and tell us they went to high school together, and haven't seen each other since. They were the 3 best friends, and now we are.

"See mom! It was a good idea to let me meet Mickey and Emmi!" I stuck out my tongue.

"Dang girl. You've got a lot more sass in real life!" Mickey laughs.

"And you're a lot shorter in real life!" I come back as Emmi high fives me.

Jenna hugs Mickey, "You guys are just like us!"

Emmi spoke, "Yeah! Rissa's got the blonde hair, Mickey's got the brown hair and gorgeous eyes, and I got the..."

Mickey laughed, "Genetics screwed ya up there, Em"

Sharna laughed, "HEY ITS DYED!"

The six of us walked out, hand in hand, happy to finally meet, and be reunited at last!


dwtslovlies mickeyrose930

This was honestly so fun to write omg

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