First Day

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Lindsay's POV

My arms shook as I walked into my new school. It was my first day of kindergarten and I just moved to Utah, from New Jersey. I don't know anyone.

"Ma, what if they don't like me?" I clung onto my mom's hand as we reached the door.

"They'll love you, Linds"

My mom kissed my cheek and went home, as I sheepishly knocked on the door.

"Well, good morning! Lindsay, right?"

I nodded my head and walked in, and took a seat where the teacher pointed.

Taking a glance around the room, I saw that there are so many girls and boys and they already had friends.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Hi, I'm Jenna. Can we be friends?"

I smiled shyly, "I'm Lindsay. I'd really like that"

Jenna and I pushed our desks together, beaming, when the teacher saw that I already made a friend.

"I dance, do you?" I asked the shorter girl.

Jenna's eyes went wide, "No, that's so cool! Can you teach me?"

I nodded and dragged Jenna out the door when the bell rang, introducing her to my family. After I introduced her to my parents and siblings, I took her upstairs into my bedroom. I turned on the small radio, bopping my head to the newest pop song. Jenna giggled as I tapped my foot to the mellow beat.

"Ok, so this is how you dance." I shouted over the loud volume. I practiced my hip hop routine from my old dance class.

Jenna tried, and was actually pretty good!

"No way! You're great! I signed up for ballroom classes nearby, you should come!"

Jenna nodded and squealed, thankful for a new best friend and a new found talent.


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