First Dance Competition

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Dedicated to my beautiful charnamarkovna

Sharna's POV

I'm awoken at 7 in the morning by a thump. "Momma, Momma. My first dance competition. Lets go come on!!!" My three year old daughter, Charna, giggles as she gets up off the floor and grabs my hand.

"Okay, let's get you ready babe!!!"

Charna ran to her closet and picket out a light blue leotard with a ruffly top. She's performing a contemporary solo, and for a 3 year old, she's amazing!

I felt a tug on my shirt, "Momma. Curl hair, pwease?"

I take her to the bathroom and do loose curls in her long blonde hair.

"I wear lipgloss like you, Momma?" Charna puckers her lips as I laugh.

"Yeah, of course baby" I smiled at my little fashionista.

We grabbed breakfast and hopped in the car to the competition.


I helped my baby girl get ready again before she went on stage and I stood in the wings to cheer her on. She walks on with a huge grin. I can't believe her first solo performance is now!!

She danced beautifully and she ran off the stage into my arms, "Momma I almost good like you!" she smiled and grabbed my hand.

"No babe, you're better" I smiled and picked her up as we waited for awards.

The announcer spoke, "The overall high score goes to.....CHARNA MARKOVNA BURGESS"

Charna jumped up to get the crown that was bigger than her and took the mic, "This is for my Mommy. She taught me how to dance and be pretty like her. Thank you."

She smiled and ran off into my arms. New pro on DWTS comin attcha ;)


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