Sick Sissy

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No One's POV

"Mama, Mama. Charna no feel good" Four year old Marissa says to her mother, Sharna Burgess

"Okay, Rissy. Let's go check on her"

Sharna and Marissa walk upstairs to see 12 year old Charna sitting in bed.

Marissa runs to her older sister, "It's okay sissy. I take care of you. I kiss your boo boo and you be all better"

Charna smiles, "Thanks, Rissy!" and she suddenly rushes into the bathroom

Sharna holds her hair back and rubs her back. Seconds later Marissa comes running in.

"Charna I bring you soup and water. It help your tummy"

Sharna laughs at her adorable family and carries Charna back into her room.

"I'm gonna get you some medicine, k babe?" Sharna says

"Thanks mom, love you" Charna responds

Seconds later Marissa jumps on the bed. "I cuddle with you so you not bored, Char Char"

"You'll get sick, Rissy!"

"I don't care, I want my Char Char happy"

"Okay, Rissy. Come here"

Sharna walks in on her two daughters cuddling in bed and Marissa playing with Charna's hair.

"Shh Mama, Charna sleeping. She feel better soon"

She smiled, and put the medicine on the night table next to her daughter for when she wakes up.

"I love you" Charna mutters in her sleep


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