Sharna and Val

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He sees her everyday. Judging herself in the mirror. Picking out her flaws. But to him, she's perfect. She's constantly brought down by others, and he wants to pick up those broken pieces. She thinks nobody notices, but he does.

One day Val sees Sharna crying in the corner of the studio.

"Hey Shar, why are you crying? I want to see your beautiful smile", Val lifts Sharna's face up to meet his.

"I'm not beautiful" she mumbles.

"Baby, yes you are. From your laugh, to eyes and hair, and body, and your dancing and personality. You are beautiful and I love you"

"Val stop. You're in love with Jenna. Besides, how could anyone like me"

"Sharna, I love you. And only you."

"V-val, I uh love you too. I never thought you felt that way"

"Baby, you're always on my mind. Come on, let's get you cleaned up and we can go to my place and cuddle", Val kisses her forehead and the crying girl softly smiles for the first time in weeks.

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