I'm Coming Home

212 17 4

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
tell the world I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

Rissa sighed as she noticed a rain droplet fall harshly onto her skin, the rain picking up its once slow pace. She had nobody, or so she thought silently to herself. Everything she attempted to perfect seemed like she needed more work. School was making her stressed, more than ever before. The ice rink? That used to clam her down. Now, everything fazed her. Nothing was special or exciting anymore. It was just frustrating.

I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
tell the world I'm coming

The rain was pouring down at this point, and Rissa knew that she had to take shelter. She strolled into a small coffee shop at the corner of Kennedy, pulling out her phone from her jean pocket. As she was texting her friends, writing that she was fine, she glanced from the corner of her brown eye. She vaguely saw a flash of bright red hair rush into the café to escape the storm. She also brought others in with her, too. Two women with light blonde hair were examining the counter, looking at the many different drinks the coffee shop had to offer. "Why do they look so familiar?" Rissa muttered softly, hoping that not a soul heard her talking to herself. She did not bother to see if her orbs were deceiving her, realizing that what she was thinking was stupid. After all, why would famous people be inside a dimly lit café in Jersey?

Hey, confusion like I was losing my mind
but one thing I never lose is my grind
my closet need a lot of cleaning now

The three girls walked to a table, whispering to each other amongst the chaos in the small place. They just so happened to sit next to her table, and that was where Rissa realized her first instinct was right. The woman with red hair cleared her throat to capture the younger girl's attention, and thankfully it worked. "Hi, I'm Sharna. What's your name, babe?" Her favorite Dancing With the Stars professional dancer said politely. Rissa's mouth almost dropped to the floor. The three women were Sharna, Emma and Peta. How though? "Um hi, Sharna. I'm a huge fan. I'm Rissa." She nervously stuttered, her gaze moving to Emma and Peta, who each waved and grinned kindly. "Rissa? I love your name. You're a fan, ay?" Sharna asked, her azure eyes brightening at meeting a fan. "Yeah, I love all of you guys." Rissa whispered, giving each of them a heart-felt smile. "Thank you for all of your support-"

"Shar! It's time to leave!" Emma yelled, drawing attention to the Brit.
Sharna mouthed quietly something that Rissa could not decipher, but Emma and Peta got the slick hint. "I came over here because I saw you were upset, why is that?"

"I just can't do anything right anymore. I fail at everything, Sharna. I loved figure skating, but now, it's hard to even lace my skates on." Rissa closed her eyes, feeling the urge to cry and run away because of her embarrassment. She felt Sharna wrap her arms around her snuggly, whispering words of encouragement. "You can never fail at anything my love. If you keep trying hard, you will always succeed. No person will be perfect and always excel, but with you, I know in my heart and soul that you are very much close to it. I love you, Rissa and I know that you will be alright."

Rissa smiled through the happy tears, wiping them away as hastily as they came. "You don't know how much that means to me. I love you Sharna."

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
tell the world I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday

The red head slipped a tiny piece of paper across the marble table, smirking slightly with a famous wink. "I wrote my number on there and a little note for you to read every day. I hope our paths cross again Rissa. Best of luck and you can always call me." Sharna replied, giving one final hug before walking out the door with Emma and Peta trailing behind. Rissa had a permanent smile etched onto her face. The last few minutes seemed to be a dream, certainly not reality? But when she felt the paper in her dainty hands, she knew that this was real.

She arrived home and instantly was in a chipper mood. The rain was still falling, but she was overjoyed. She opened the contact app on her phone and added in Sharna's number.

My Savior Sharna ❤️

She was about to go into bed, before curiosity got the best of her and she decided to type something.

Hey Sharna. It's that girl from the coffee shop. Thank you for everything. You're my hero. -Rissa

She only had to wait a couple more seconds for the dancer's reply to come in.

Hey Rissa. I remember you sweetheart. No problem, love. I'm no hero, I just care a lot about you. Text me anytime you like. You're worth it babe. -Sharna

Hey everyone it's Lauren! (BrownHairedBeauty44 ) and I wrote this prompt for Rissa. I love you and keep being you. Your Wattpad family loves you so much. xo

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