Extra Help

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dw guys, Charna's back in a prompt. All is right in the world (anyone know where i got that from? hmm :) )

Charna's POV

I have to stay after class with my math teacher, Ms. Burgess, so she can help me with some problems that I didn't understand. She's so smart and a really good person so I look up to her and want to make her proud. We're in the middle of a problem when she says, "No. Charna that't not right? are you paying attention?" I was paying attention, I am just stressed. I didn't know how to respond.

I started freaking out and hyperventilating. I became really dizzy and pale, and fear spread over Ms. Burgess' face. 

"No, no honey that's not what I meant are you okay?" she says as she grabs onto me to help me stand up.

"Panic. Attack. Can't Breathe" I managed to stutter out to her.

She grabs me a drink of water and after I calmed down, she asked what happened.

"I just really don't get the work, but I don't want to let you down. I'm really trying but I feel a lot of pressure. I'm so so sorry" I sob into her shoulder.

"Sh babe, it's okay. I'll help you. We can work together to help you understand this. I'm always here. Why don't you go home and we can work more tomorrow, okay?" she smiles.

I gave her a reassuring smile and left her classroom, feeling a lot better.



DWTS PromptsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt