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Mickey's POV

"Mom hurry up!!! I wanna meet Rissa!"

My Mom, Emma Slater, laughs, "Mickey, we'll be to her rink in two minutes. And remember, you have to surprise her. She will be performing on the ice and then see you, and she still doesn't know that I'm your mom"

My mom adopted me last week, and I still haven't told Rissa. I'll tell her tonight.

We get there just in time as I see my Rissa step on the ice with a beautiful purple dress, lots and lots of stage makeup, and a simple bun. She's performing to an Elton John medley.

The first bar of music strikes and she's flying, jumping, spinning. She's amazing and her facials are op. She suddenly looks to the side and spots me, and she smiles even bigger. She finishes through her program and strikes her ending pose. She runs off the ice and into my arms.


"I MADE IT! Rissa that was amazing!"

She smiles, "Aw thanks babe. I'm so glad you liked it"

A thick british accent speaks as Rissa's jaw drops, "I liked it too, love. You're fantastic"

She whips her head around to be faced with Emma. "OMG THANK YOU I LOVE YOU" she screams as she gives her a hug.

I spoke up, "I forgot to tell you that Emma adopted me last week"

"Thats awesome! I'm so happy for you!" She hugs the both of us.

"Sweetie, I brought someone here who wants to adopt you as well" Emma spoke soothingly.

Rissa turns around and runs into a red heads arms, "Really? I can't believe it! I've been waiting for a Sharna hug for forever" 

"Yeah babe, now you can have as many as you want" Sharna hugged the shorter girl.

I'd say this was a pretty successful day. Great performance, met my best friend, and she was adopted!!


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