Plan Shyle

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"Come on, Lauren!" Nyle signed to his younger sister as they were leaving for the DWTS studio.

"I'm here! I can't believe I'm meeting the Sharna Burgess" Lauren fangirled as she hopped in her brothers car.

"Yeah yeah" Nyle signed

Lauren smirked, "I know you like her"

Nyle just blushed and ignored his sister.

When they arrived at the studio, Nyle walked into studio 1 and started signing/talking with Sharna, meanwhile Lauren stood there in shock.

Nyle smiled and signed to his switch-up partner, "She's a HUGE fangirl! Her and her friend Marissa have a fan page for you on instagram, dwtsinwonderland (shameless self promotion)"

Shar smiled and ran to the younger girl, embracing her in a hug.

AFter watching the duo practice, Lauren realized that they both definitely had feelings for each other and she was gonna do something about it.

Lauren snuck out to the kitchen and made a phone call.

"Rissa? Yeah come to the studio, don't worry you're with me. Plan Shyle starts now"


Rissa arrived and squealed as she met Sharna, thanking her for everything. After watching them rehearse for an hour, the girls left the room and locked the door.

"KISS KISS KISS KISS" Lauren shouted.

"Hey, you need to be more subtle about it, Laur." Marissa smiled.

"Get married please"

Lauren snorted, "Way to go Riss"

"SHH, Lauren! look they're kissing!"

Lauren smiled, "Plan Shyle complete"

requested by my babe 

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