Houghkin Valentines Day

176 12 4

Nastia flipped,"It's Valentines Day for crying out loud! You can't take a day off work?"

She was slightly agitated as he spoke, "I don't know, Nas. There's nothing I can do about it"

"Derek! You're a dancer. You can take a fearing day off"

He chuckled, "You worked my birthday and Christmas! You can't be serious right now"

Her jaw dropped, "Whatever. Have fun at work"


"Bye Derek"

She grabbed her shoes and her phone before walking out the door, as she called Sharna.


"Hey, Shar!"

"Nas, hey!"

"Are you busy today?"

"Um, I'm actually getting ready to go out with Keo. Why?"

"I wanted to see if you wanted to see a movie or something."

"I would, but we've had these plans for forever." Nastia heard her sigh.

"It's fine, I'll go myself"

"Did something happ-"

"No, I have to go. Bye Shar."

Nastia hung up. She made her way to the movies, as she got a call from Rumer.


"Hey Nas! What's up?"

"Going to the movies. You?"

"I'm actually on my way there. Wanna meet up?"

"Sure! Just tell me where you'll be"

"Sounds great!"

Nastia continued driving, ignoring the 36 voicemails left by Derek.


"Rumer, where are we? And why am I blindfolded?"

She sighed, "Trust me, Nas. We're here"

Nastia screamed, "WHERE IS HERE?"

Rumer laughed, "You'll see"

"Rue, this is sketchy"

"Ugh, just get out, Nastia"

She hopped out of the car and hung onto her friends arm, being her guide.

She heard talking, but Rumer was no longer with her.

She ripped off the blindfold, to find herself at the little shop in New York where Derek and her first met. The store was covered in roses and candles. Her hand flung to her mouth, "What is this?"

Derek smirked, "Well this is a shop-"

"Derek, did you really do this?"

"Yes, and I'm really gonna do this"

He got down on one knee, "You're blushing"

She laughed, " No duh, dingwat"

He continued, "I'm not good at all these mushy speeches, but I know that I fall in love with you more and more everyday. I love you, Nas. Will you marry me?"

She nodded as they hugged, "Happy Valentines Day, baby"

DWTS PromptsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora