"No Pain, No Game"

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Sharna's POV

It's a beautiful summer day and I'm walking down the streets of L.A. All of a sudden, I hear a scream and a girl falls.

She mumbled to herself as she got up, "No pain, no game"

She continued walking, but with a limp.

"Hi baby, I'm Sharna. I heard you scream, are you okay?" I ask the girl and put an arm around her protectively. I guess its my instincts, I don't know. I felt a connection to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Riss. Yeah, I'm alright. My hip just hurts" She responds with a small laugh, but I can see right through it.

"How old are you, Riss? What happened to your hip?" I question

"I'm 12. I, uh, fell. Yeah I fell" she says hopefully.

"Sweetie, I can tell that's not true. Can I take you back to my place to help you?" I smiled

"Sure, thank you. That would be great" she responded and continued walking.

"Ah Ah Ah, get on my back Riss. I'm not letting you walk" I lifted her up. She must have been only 60 pounds! She was so tiny.

We got back home and I asked her to roll up her shirt so I could see her hip. It had a huge bruise on it. I looked at her, expecting an explanation. She just turned her head away and bit her lip. I lifted her chin up to face mine and noticed she had tears in her eyes.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I cooed.

"Well, um. My mom died when I was 4 and my dad abuses me. Yesterday he threw me out of the house because I wouldn't let him touch me. And he punched my hip, as you can see" she looked down, ashamed.

"Riss, honey, I'm so sorry. I want to help you. I will always be here for you, and I truly care about you. I'm gonna adopt you, is that okay babe?"

Her eyes sparkled, "Thank you! I really appreciate it!" she jumped into my arms as she winced in pain.

"How about I put on a movie and we can cuddle up and be lazy tonight?" I smile at the young girl.

"Mkay" she responds as she laid down next to me and I pulled her close.

"Love you baby girl" I whispered as I kissed her forehead.


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