Jenna Johnson

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Hallie's POV

My best friend, Marissa, called me in tears at 2am, "Riss! What happened? Are you okay?"

The line was silent. I knew something was up. I ran across the street to her house and walked up to her room.

My heart broke at at the sight, "My gosh, Rissy, what happened?"

She stuttered as she spoke, "It h-hurts, Hal. They're so mean. I'm broken"

I wrapped my arms around the shorter girl and whispered in her ear until she fell asleep. I was gonna stay the night and make sure she was okay.

I knew I needed to make her happy, make her smile. How to?

A voice whispered in my head, "instagram. post on instagram"

I logged onto our DWTS fan page that we shared and posted a picture of the beautiful Jenna Johnson. She was smiling and looked happy. Oh, how I wanted my Rissy happy again.

I captioned the photo, "Hey guys! Hallie, here. Rissy hasn't been doing too well, she's very upset and broken. The words are getting to her and it breaks my heart to see her like this. Please help me make her smile again, like dance10jenna!! " I made some tags and hashtags and posted it, I was satisfied.

I curled up next to my best friend and drifted off to sleep.


The nest morning I woke up next to my Rissa, noticing her tear stained cheeks. I woke her up and we got ready for school, I'd be beside her the whole day.

Marissa got out of the shower and ran to me with a huge smile, "HALLIE LOOK WHAT JENNA POSTED! SHE'S COMING TO NJ TODAY AND HAS A BIG SURPRISE! I WONDER WHAT IT IS"

I laughed, "idk babe, but I'm glad it makes you smile"

We finished getting ready and walked to school. As we got to the front building, I hit Riss's arm slightly. "I know what JJ's surprise was" and I smirked as I pointed at the Jenna Johnson.

I ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug and thanked her for doing this. I expected Riss to go up to her, but she came to me instead.

"H-Hallie, you did this? for me? You're so amazing i love you so much" she cried into my arms.

She finally went to Jenna and stood there speechless. She pointed at Jenna with her mouth open and then looked at me and mumbled, "Itgfhjdl"

"Yes Riss, I know. It's Jenna" I chuckled at my best friend.

Jenna snorted and hugged her, "Thank you for being a fan. You make me smile and I love you!"

Riss wrapped her arms around Jenna as they made small talk while I videoed it all for insta :)

Jenna spoke up, "I talked to your school. You guys are spending the day with me today!" she grabbed our hands and led us to her car.

I hopped in the back seat with Marissa as she squeezed my hand, "You didn't have to do this babe, I would've been happy with just hanging out with you"

Jenna discretely snapped a photo and posted it on instagram and our phones buzzed, "SURPRISE"

We laughed and smiled at the newly born friendship and my Rissa Bear smiled the whole day.

tbh idk how this was. i wanted to write something and dedicate it to my babe hb5101 for always being here for me and making me smile, but of course had to tie in our role model! I hope this does you justice, hallie!! 

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