Sick (3)

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I stood up and wrapped the blanket around my shoulders. Something in the kitchen made a clanking sound and I followed it, hoping for breakfast. To my delight, Mark stood with his back to the room, cooking up some bacon. How I wished I could wrap my arms around him right now. But he isn't mine. So that'll ever happen consensually.

"Smells good!" I called from the doorway.

"Thank you, it's my natural scent." Mark beamed at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I see you can move without screaming in pain again!" I smirked

"Yeah, I guess I just needed a full nights sleep. I haven't had one in weeks." I sighed at Mark. He worked himself to death with his channel, but he loved it and hated any time spent relaxing.

"What are you uploading today?" I asked and walked closer to him to check out what he was cooking. I let my hand briefly brush his arm and felt his warm skin against mine. 

"I have a Markiplier Highlights pre edited and scheduled to upload at 12 but I have one that I need to film and edit for 8 o'clock with Matthias." I scrapped off 3 pieces of bacon and placed them on the plate next to me.

"That's good. I love videos with you and Matt." I took a plate and got two pieces of bread for a bacon sandwich.

"Ooo, Matt! On short name basis, are we?" Mark jabbed my side through the blanket at I kicked him back playfully.

"Jealous, are we?" I giggled but Mark just looked at me strangely for a second and looked back to the oven, silently. I laughed nervously again and stood behind him, unsure what to say. I then left the kitchen and went to sit down on the sofa. OK, that was weird.

"Thank you for looking after me." Mark said, walking through the door. He sat down next to me.

"It's cool. I got to stay in your awesome apartment so..." I gazed around the room again, taking in the warm sunlight flooding in through the huge windows, "My apartment sucks."

"You live is Pasadena right?" Mark took a bite of his sandwich.

"Yup. In a crap tiny apartment miles away from my friends and my job." I sighed and Mark nodded. Suddenly, his expression changed and he quickly chewed and swallowed his food.

"You ok?" I asked and giggled at his expression. I too took a bite of my sandwich 

"Live here!" He finally said.

"What?" I choked.

"Live with me!" Mark opened his arms out to the room and beamed at me. I stared at him, waiting for him to say he was joking but he just kept gazing at me with his goofy smile.

"Ok." I giggled

"REALLY?" He almost shouted.

"Yeah, like why not?"

"YAY!" He jumped on to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Mark. I can't breathe." I muffled through his chest.

"Sorry." He released me looking worried and then beamed again. For the rest of the morning he was wouldn't stop wiggling with excitement and smiling constantly. I was going to live with Mark!

1 week later

"Last box!" Mark sighed as he dropped the cardboard box on the floor, "You have officially moved in!"

"Wahooo!" I was so happy! Finally, I lived in a beautiful LA apartment, but not only that. I lived in a beautiful LA apartment with the beautiful Markiplier. Mark jumped over the box and wrapped his arms around my waist, picked me up and began spinning me around until I was dizzy.

"Hey!! Put me down!" I laughed. Mark stopped spinning and gently dropped me down but my head was still spiralling out of control. I felt Marks strong arms steady me and I slowly focused back on his face. 

"You OK there?" He laughed, I nodded and smiled again, "Hey I've got an idea." He ran to the phone. "Let's get a take out to celebrate!" 

"Yeah!" I yelled

"What do you want to get?" I thought for a second until I had the perfect idea.

"Let's get Chinese!" 

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