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A moment of silence for our lost friend: ASS ASS Glasses

"They were so perfect!" I heard Mark moan through the hotel door as I approached it, "How am I supposed to go through this weekend without them?" I shook my head, giggling at Mark's hysterical voice, echoing down the hotel hallway. I knocked on the door and Jack's happy face appeared from behind it.

"Hey, Y/N!" He opened his arms and gave me a welcoming hug. Jack really is the best hugger.
"Hey Jack, how's it going?" He released me and stepped aside, allowing me to walk into the hotel room where Felix, Mark, Jack and I had agreed to meet.
"I'd be great if Mark would stop being butt hurt over his stupid ASS ASS glasses." Jack waved his hand over to where Mark was lying, face down, his arms and legs in a starfish shape, on the bed.
"Oh those glasses from PAX?" I giggled at Mark's defeated position.
"Not just ANY glasses from PAX!" Mark yelled through the cushions, lining his face, "Glasses from PAX that had the word ASS on them.. TWICE."
I turned to Felix, who sat very relaxed in a chair in the corner, biting his finger as he chuckled away. He looked to me and shook his head, tuttingly.
"Come on Mark." Jack's Irish accent always seemed stronger when he said Mark's name, "let's go down and meet the other Youtubers!" Jack clapped his hands excitedly, he and I were both so excited for the YouTube Summit. Despite him being at 9 million* subscribers and I, almost to 2 million, we were both equally as excited and nervous to meet all the amazing Youtubers that had been gathered together this weekend. I looked to Jack and flashed him a slightly nervous smile. He looked as though he sympathised.

"Right, let's get this over and done with." Felix stood up and chuckled. Despite meeting him a few times before, I was still very self conscious around such an experienced Youtuber as Pewdiepie. He had been to hundreds of Youtuber meet ups and summits and it was like a casual routine to him now, meanwhile, this was my first Youtuber Summit and I was so glad to be able to be guided by these three guys.

"EXCUSE ME!" Mark yelled, twisting his torso around to face us as we began to walk tot he door.

"Your not actually that upset are you?" I asked.

"YES!" Mark's voice was high pitched and squeaky. I shook my head at him. Suddenly, an idea shot into my head.

"Wait a sec." I grabbed my bag and threw it onto the bed before digging around inside it. I scavenged a small pack of post-it notes and a pen from the bottom before pulling the sunglasses off from the top of my head. Mark stared, intrigued at me as I worked away with Jack and Felix smiling over my shoulders. Finally, I clicked my pen and gazed proudly at my creation.

"Perfect." Jack giggled behind me, sparking more interest from Mark.

"What? What is it?" He sat up on the bed, his feet wiggling excitedly.

"Here you go!" I said and presented him with my pair of sunglasses, decorated with two post-it notes saying "ASS, ASS". Mark gasped and grabbed them from me. Jaw dropped, he slowly placed them on his face and grinned giddily.

"They're perfect!" He cheered happily and I stood up from the bed.

"Can we go now?" Jack asked and we all left to join the other Youtubers in the lobby. For the rest of the day, Mark proudly wore my glasses, occasionally asking me to replace the stickers when they began to fall off. I must say, he did look very sassy.

Yay! I finally did a friend one instead of a romantic one! See I told you I would. XD
I hope you enjoyed it, and once again sorry for the long wait. I know you aren't exactly DESPERATELY WAITING for me to upload but it's still nice to be able to say I work hard on my book and show I'm putting effort in.

*I put 9 million cause I know Jack wasn't yet at 10 million during the Summit. Who knows, he might have millions more by the time you read this :) so proud of our smol green bean.

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