Dancing in the kitchen//Sick (6)

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she ran to the door and let in a bouncing Golden Retriever, who immediately knocked her out of the way and leaped onto her unsuspecting owner.
"Ooof, Chicaaa!" Mark moaned as Chica span round twice and planted herself right on his chest.
"Chica." Amy said to herself. I dragged Chica off Mark's body, to no avail.
"She's not gonna move until he's better." I sighed
"That's sweet."
"They're like two peas in a pod.... Wellll!" I said looking to Amy.
"Oh! I-"
"It seems like Mark's gonna be fine so we don't need to take up any more of your time."
"Oh, right yeh." She leant over to pat Chica who responded stiffly, "Ill just get my coat."
"BUH- BYYYEE" Mark boomed as we closed his bedroom door.
I watched Amy fumble for her coat and shoes before pausing beside the door.
"I hope he gets better!" She smiled
"Me too." I opened the door, "See ya."
"Uh- bye. Bye Mark!"
"It always is!" He yelled back*
Amy smiled again, zipped up her coat and left.

"Phew!" I thought as I closed the door. She was nice but I hate feeling out of control, especially when Mark is so venerable. He usually stops me from doing rude things like that. OH WELL!
Actually, now that I think about it...
I peaked into Mark's room. He was asleep. Chica was watching him.
I quickly freshened the glass of water by his bed and dampened the flannel on his head before sneaking out of his room and shutting the door.
I giggled excitedly and immediately jumped into action. No Mark to tell me off! I could do WHAT EVER I wanted!

I ran to the speakers and immediately started playing Hamilton full blast. Marks so tired of it. I'm not.
Then I danced into my room and changed into my softest, baggiest shirt and boy shorts (basically just underwear.). Mark says if he has to wear pants, so do I.
Next I sprung in to the kitchen to make my lunch. It's impossible to cook in this house without Mark interfering.

"LAFAYETTE!" I screamed/sang as I danced around the kitchen, attempting to play every character at once.
Sliding across the floor, I grabbed a spatula and perfectly flipped it, obvs cause I'm amazing.
By the end of History Has It's Eyes On You, I had finished cooking my lunch and span around to eat it on the sofa.

I squeaked violently, almost dropping my food, "Mark!"
"Having fun?"
"Go back to bed!" I ordered, pointing my spatula at him
"Are we not wearing pants now?" He replied before suddenly and enthusiastically yanking his own pants down and kicking them off his feet followed by a reluctantly aching frown.
"For fucks- You're ill. Go to bed!" 
"Don't you  ever get tired of this song?" He smirked widely through pained breaths and waddled over to me, holding his sides.
"Go away." He looked at my lunch and I knew what was coming 
"Is that for me?"
"Good." He sighed 
"That's it! Get. Out!" I shoved Mark out of the kitchen and back to his bedroom door, "Go to bed."

"Where's that other nurse gone?"
"Other nurse??"
"Yeh," he grinned, "She was pretty."
"She was pretty??"
"Well yeh," Mark stepped back into his room, "I mean you're pretty decent, buddy, but youre no..."
"Amy! Yeh, you're no Amy." He winked at me before pushing wobbling back to his bed, mumbling her name to himself. I rolled my eyes and resumed my lunch. This was usual, nothing usually comes of Mark's little crushes so it troubled me no longer than a second before my day carried on as usual. Everything was usual. At least for now.

*get it. cause 'bye mark' sounds like 'by mark' as in it was made by him. and he works too much. so everything is made by him. get it?? plz.

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