Chapter 4. Amelia Morgan.

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"Get your ass up bitch", Kyato yells in my ear as I try to run.

The area is disolent and explosions paint the sky in a dark black smoke. I can't even see three feet in front of me.

"Leave her alone", My brother Suta says standing up for me as he holds up his sniper pointed at my father.

"I am your father and you will do as I say, back down", our father roars above the battle as several soldiers drown us out and soon I can't see my father or Suta.

"Suta, Suta, Suta!", I scream dragging myself up grabbing my rib cage feeling sharp pain.

"Amelia!", he cries back as I see him on the ground, for the first time in my life. My brother is strong and never loses, but as I find the eyes of a soldier above him I see how he couldn't of won. The soldier above him is like a bull and vicious as he tears at my brother, punching him several times, in very long strokes.

"Get off him", I scream as I throw myself at him. The soldier takes me out in seconds and I lay on the ground crying as I see the soldier beat my brothers life shorter and shorter.

"No", I croak as I fall into Oblivion with my brothers hurt face behind my eyes.

I wake to warmth and comfort. It takes several minutes to see were I am. The room is carpeted with soft warming carpet, warm caramel walls that are colored a deep red scarlet with brown swirls at the edges. I lay on a couch that fuzzy and black with a nice cloth design.

Whoever lives here must be rich? 

There is a Big joe on the floor on either side of the big Flat screen TV that hangs huge on the warm walls.

bookshelves are on each side of the TV.

I sit up and push the white blanket off me. I wear boy basketball shorts and a mens tank.

I stand and look around for any sight of a person.

Holy shit? what if i was kidnapped, What if i am about to die?

I grab a a handgun I locate as i turn the corner of the living room.

I am now on wooden floor.

There is a two seat table, a fridge, a nice counter, cabnets. Food.

I feel my stomach growl.

What if their drugged?

As I take another step the wood creaks under my feet.

I take another step trying not to make another sound and hear voices in a door beside me.

I look at the door and see a hallway with lots of doors.

I pause and listen to the voices.

"I'm going to get me some coffee, you guys want some", says a voice that seems to be by the door.

I rush around the corner, back into the living room.

I hear the door open and several footsteps.

Then a head pops around the corner facing me.

I immediatley put the gun up.

"Holy shit you scared me", the guy says.

The guy has black hair that slopes into a quiff and he has glasses on. He wears a Diary of A Wimpy Kid T-shirt and jeans. he must be a nerd or something.

"Take one more step and I pull the triger", I say as a few more peoplle pop from around the corner into the living room staring between us.

"Damn that is sexy thing", a guy with muslces and broad shoulders says. Bad ass.

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