Chapter 24. Jordan Christian.

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That girl is too petite to be his, i just want her so bad. hmm, i might just take her, since he wants nothing with her. I literally was half way from just having sex with her.

we now sit at the kitchen table, since Rufus told us that her brother is highly going to allow sluts, so we made dinner that night and had a proper dinner, and also very silent, except for the blonde lucy who never knows when to stop. she keeps trying to touch the guy rufus talked about;balls.

he keeps giving us the death glare as he keeps his sister close, the one i want.

"So, what do you guys do for a living," the guys brother asks seriously.

"Oh, you know oil feild, stuff like that", I say trying to soudn truthful.

he laughs bitterly as his sister takes his hand that is forming a fist. he relaxes once she grips his arm and pulls him close.

"Want to know what, i've lived by people like you all my life, i was broke and beaten till i could tell when even a ant was approaching, so don't lie to me like that goddamn it", he yells at me as he stands.

"Suta,' the girl whispers worried and scared. he looks at her and sits back down holding his urge to punch me.

after dinner i catch her alone looking outside in my backyard. I grin and go up to her. I grin at her. she wears boxers and a tank with no bra.

she shivers and then i make my move, covering her mouth.

"Don't scream or else i'll make you wish you hadn't", i say as i drag her down to my room, where i lock us inside.

she shivers as i press her against the wall.

"Take off that shirt", i say.

she shivers and i slam her head back against the door.

"Do it or god help me i'll shoot your brother when he's sleeping," i say as she shivers and starts to lift it.

"I can't if you don't back away", she says.

i back away, only to be kicked in the nuts. she spins, unlocks the door, and then she runs up the stairs.

I run after her in just my jeans. I run right into her running into Rufus who immediately holds out his arms as to catch her from a fall, which she almost does fall.

he catches her and i can hear her trying to get away, as i see Rufus look up to see me.

"What the hell is this?" he gestures between the girl and me.

I shrug as the girls brother apears, pulling her from Rufus.

he pulls her into his arms staring me down as the girl gets behind her brother.

"That's it you asshole, you've done it this time you fucking bitch", he says and then we are fighting, but every punch my way i can't block, he's too good. I end up knocking out myself.

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