Chapter 31. Rufus Peterson.

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She is asleep against the door of the passenger, her legs  are sprawled out in front of her, i let her use my cap to block the sun, but it's dark now.

I am tired and bored, and i can't help, but look at her every now and then feeling happy to get to look at her when she doesn't know you are.

she starts moving fifteen minutes later and lays down my way on the seat and curls up.

I set my hand on her arm, rubbing circles. she is so cute when she sleeps. 

Suddenly, she lays her head on my thigh and laces her hand with mine on her shoulder.

she looks up and i see that she is awake.

"Evening sleepy head", I smile as she smiles and hugs my hand to her.

she's really touchy.

"Sorry, for", she sits up gesturing to my thigh and her.

I grin.

"No problem, i don't mind pretty girls laying on my thigh", i smile as i turn into a barbeque place for dinner. After breakfast this morning, she went to sleep and i woke her up for lnch, but she went to sleep after saying she was tired, but i know she is worried sick about her brother.

we go in and get a table and the waitress takes us to a table.

"What would you guys like to drink", the waitress says giving me a once over grin.

"Ame what do you want to drink, tips on me", I say as she smiles.

"I'll have Ginger Ale", she says.

I smile and the waitress makes a fake accident by dropping her pin and gets on the floor hitting her head on the table, then landing with her head in my lap grinning.

"Get off", I say as i see Amelia scoot far in her seat.

"I know you want it", the girl whispers.

"Heh, not with you bitch", I say as i push her off.

she leaves not taking my drink order.

"Not with her?" Amelia says with venom. Oh, gosh.

"Why would i want to with her, she's a bitch and you know it?" I say as she stands.

"But, you told her not with her, who would you want it with", she says turning on her heel.

I'm up in seconds and pulling her back.

"I wouldn't want to with anyone, but i would with someone i love", I say.

she pauses and turns to me.

"Who?" she says crossing her arms.

I wanted this to be at the right time. 

I take a deep breath, then she turns on her heel.

"I thought that when you kissed me, that it meant something", she says walking off.

Shit, and it's not even my fault, why are women so harsh.

I run after her, and she just runs faster, out the doors and past the truck. i don't stop running. she does, after a while. she turns on me and stares me down.

"Stop following me for once okay, i'm not your girl, i'm not your little girl who you protect, i am leaving, and you should be happy, i should of known from the start that you'd do something like that", she says rudely.

Now i am mad.

"Excuse me girl, but let me tell you this, you don't get to tell me who i can and cannot protect or if i should be happy, and you think that kiss didn't mean anything to me, it meant a lot to me, i've never held back with anyone, but Marina, but she's not my girlfriend, okay, i felt something when i kissed you, it was so different that i had to stop and think of how much that effected me, okay, your brother told me you cared about me and that you told him you liked me, i liked you before that too, and when he told me that i thought maybe that i could.. you know what who cares, unlike girls; men actually understand what a stupid thing jealousy is", I say as i see the glisten of tears on her face.

I feel those tears hit deep.

she backs away like i hit her and turns aroung and starts running. I don't run after her, all i do is sit on the ground and cry into my hands.

i cry into my hands.


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