Chapter 8. Rufus Peterson.

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I walk into her room and it smells of sharp Vanilla, her smell, i love her smell.

Her bed is wrinkled where she might of once sat.

Light streams form under the bathroom door.

"Amelia, are you in there", I ask softly.

"Yeah", she says like she's been crying.

"Are you okay?" I ask concerned, and astonished of my caring for her.

"Yes i'm fantastic, now would you please leave me alone", she says as she opens the door.

her eyes are rimmed red and her hair is messy knot behind her head.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I ask.

"No i am definitly not okay with you people keeping me from getting a job and not letting me be noticed", she says as i see her grab a pair of tennis shoes in her closet.

she pulls them on tying them.

"Woo, Woo, Woo, where do you think you are going?" I ask blocking the door as she pulls on a jacket.

"Out, want to join, i could use a drink or something", she says as she pushes past me into the dark hallway.

"It's like three in the morning", I say.

"So, You do it?" she says opening the front door. i slam it shut turning her around.

"How do you know that, you don't know me?" i say.

"Thank you for stating why i can't stay here, i don't know anybody hear and i am not staying a second in this fucking house or i'll go syco", she says as i notice we are inches from touching.

I grin and lay my hand on her arm.

"I could make your time", i say running my hand up her arm.

"Get your filthy hands off me and take me to a bar for a drink", she says.

"Now i like the sound of that", i say grabbing my jean jacket, my motorcycle helmet, and my walet off the side counter.

"Lets go", I say bringing her to my motorcycle.

"And i thought i was crazy," she says as i light a cigarette and get on.

"Jump on my bike,", I grin as she rolls her eyes and gets on.

"You might want to hold onto someting", i say.

I imagine her rolling her eyes.

"Hear put this on', i say handing her the helmet.

"Yeah right asshole, i ain't wearing that thing", she says throwing the helmet into the lawn.

i laugh and take a drag on my cigarette.

I start the motorcycle and as i start to move she immediatly pulls me close like she is scared.

I grin.

"Yeah, hold on just like that", i say as i feel her laughter.

I drive out of the driveway and down to Dracula Club. it's the closest.

her hands are cold against my tank top and i feel her muslces pulling at me to stay on.

I grin and stop at a red light.

I sit up and lean back.

i see another motorcylist pull up beside us.

"Race bro", the man says as i see a girl in a bikini behind him.

"Hey sexy, mind for a race," I grin.

"Woo, yeah, what do i get if we win", she says.

"A few rounds", I grin.

"You are so on", she says as i feel Amelia's arms tighten around me.

is she jealous?

I laugh and vroom my motor.

the light turns green and we start.

Well we win, when they turn a corner.

I park at the Club and go in.

she stays close behind.

I eye the pole dancer i jacked with in the dressing rooms.

"Hey, babe, want a round', i say as she leans down.

"No, asshole," she says.

I meet up with Amelia at the bar counter.

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