Chapter 25. Amelia Morgan.

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I sit in the middle of the king bed shaking and crying as my brother holds me lightly.

"What did he do to you?" he asks.

I shiver and cry harder. he tried to make me get naked for him.

"He threatened you", I say.

"And", he says softly.

"He tried to make me.. he tried to by threatening you", I shiver as Rufus comes out of the bathroom shirtless and in boxers.

he pulls on a tank. 

"Amelia you can have the bathroom if you want?" he says.

"I'm good, but thank you", i say as he sits down at the end of the bed putting his dirty clothes into his bag.

"I'm going to take a cold shower", Suta says, then trudges into the shower.

i shiver at the alone feeling.

I curl up in bed and close my eyes and listen to the hmm of the shower water.

"What did he do to you? why are you crying?" Rufus asks sadly and ashamed like it's his fault.

"I don't want to talk about it", I say.

I feel the bed move, then i see him kneeling by the bed.

"Do you care about me?" i say without thinking.

he takes a deep breath.

"Do you care about me?" he asks.

"I don't know, i guess', i say shrugging.

"Then i guess too, but are you going to tell me anything, i really am pissed at him right now, he is like this when someone is better than him and he got your brother back by getting to you", he says softly.

I feel the tears slide down my cheeks.

"he threatened my brother if i didn't do it", I whisper afraid.

"Do what? he says as i feel his hand barely touching my hair.

i feel so much safer with him so close.

"he told me to.." I stutter and stop.

"I won't ask for more, it's making you scared, i'm sorry for asking", he says, then he lays down on the floor. my brother comes in minutes later and lays down in his tank and boxers.

"Goodnight sis, i love you so much ", he says as i close my eyes. he pulls the covers over me and i go to sleep to Rufus snoaring. i kind of smile at first.

cute snoars.

The Girl Is Wanted (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora