Chatper 36. Suta Morgan.

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Two days later we get back to the house i found my sister at, by midnight and we ring the doorbell and the lights to the porch turn on so fast and Chet comes out with a pistol to my head.

When i see my sister she hits his hand away and pulls me into a big huge crying.

"Sis", I say as the girl, who said her name was Marcy yesterday.
"Suta,"she cries into my shoulder.
I pull away and see Rufus behind her.
I pat him on the back and thank him for protecting my sister.

"Who's the girl", Amelia grins.

I smile and pull her forward slowly.

"I'm marcy", she says shyly.

"Hi, I'm his sister Amelia", Amelia smiles at her hugging her.

"Hi", she says back to Amelia.

Rufus and all the rest of us go inside.

"Theres only one guest bedroom", Rufus says as i see Jedidiah pop around the corner. 

"Um, she can stay with me i have a couch in my room," Rufus smiles as i see my sister Blush red for the first time, from a guy liking her.

I smile at her and she takes me to her room that i forgot was.

She grabs some clothes for herself and Rufus helps her carry her things.

"Goodnight Suta", she says as i kiss her cheek.

I close the door and find Marcy looking around the room.

"So pretty, i've never been in a room so beautiful", she says softly as i see tears.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask.

she shakes her head and turns to me.

"Your sisters so nice, like you", she smiles as i blush.

"Thanks", I say as she nods and pulls a pair of clothes off the blue dresser and goes into the bathroom closing the door.

I lay down after turning the lights off. It's been a long week, and a hard one for everyone i met and know now. I just hope this is the right thing to do.

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