Chapter 20. Amelia Morgan.

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I don't go see my brother that night, instead i stay with Rufus, in the living room. This is the strangest thing, staying with him wanting to.

he's silent though, even as we sit on opposite couches on opposite walls he doesn't speak. he just looks down.

"Can i ask what he asked you?" I ask softly.

he looks up and meets my eyes. his eyes glassy but not of sadness, of something else.

"He sure knows how to fight", he says changing the subject as i stand and go sit down on his couch. he scoots far into the arm rest.

"Please tell me, I've never seen my brother act like that to anyone, anyone", i say as he looks right at me.

"He asked me what i wanted from you", he says.

My brother might of been jealous, or maybe he thought this guy would hurt me.

"Do you know why he asked me that?" he asks.

i wait a second before answering.

"Can we trust him?" he asks after a few more seconds softly and chilling the air with the scary question.

I can trust him, but i don't know if they will.

"I trust him, i think he was being overprotective, are you okay i mean, he didn't really hurt you", I ask noticing that i am caring.

"Did you just ask me if he hurt me, if i am okay?" he asks with a huge grin that spreads his mouth wide.

I blush and look down, the moonlight against my cheekbones.

"He didn't hurt me, thanks for caring", he says as i felt him push my knee.

I smile and blush at the same time as i look up at the clock. It reads 3:00 A.M.

I decide to get some sleep, so that means facing my brother.

I stand.

"Thanks for the company", he says before i turn the corner.

"Your welcome", I whisper and leave the room, going to my bedroom.

I walk in and Suta is shirtless in his boxers on my bed.

his face buried in the pillows, taking up the whole twin bed.

I sit down and put my hand on his shouler, he jerks upward, but when he sees me he looks back down.

"Hey" I say as i lift his head up brushing his hair back.

"He won't hurt me and if he did i'd kick him in the balls if that made you happy", I say as he smiles and looks up.

"I'm sorry for hurting your friend, i just thought he'd hurt you", he says with a small smile and hope.

"Well, he won't before i kick him in the balls", i say as he smiles.

I lay down beside him.

"Do you still have nightmares?", he whispers in the dark of the room.

"Sometimes, sometimes they're just memories that turn into nightmares", I whisper as I pull the covers close around me.

he has his arm under my head like old times.

"We'll get through this i promise, and once father is gone, you and i and whoever else will be happy and free", he says.

I nod against his arm turning toward the wall.

"Can i ask you something, and you answer truthfully?" he asks.

i nod.

"Do you love him?" he asks.

"I think he's cool to hang out with", I say.

"Do you like him?" he refrases.

I stay silent. Do i like him?

I think he's cool in all like as in a good friend.

"I don't know, it's complicated, he's like a really good friend", I say.

i feel his breath on my shoulder. i wear only a tank top and boy shorts.

"Can you trust him?" he asks.

i think of Rufus asking me if i trusted my brother.

"Of course," I whisper and turn to face him.

"Okay, then i can trust him", he says as i smile.

"Now go to sleep it's already 3:30 in the morning", he grumbles.

I smile and go to sleep in the covers, ignoring him taking up half the bed.

In the morning, i wake up alone, no wonder, Suta was always up at four every morning.

I sit up running my hands through my hair.

i go to the dresser and pull on some sweats and leave my bedroom and smile at the smell of bacon and pancakes.

I walk into the kitchen and everyone is up, but it feels different, like something so big is missing.

My Borther!

"Morning", Rufus says from the cabinet he stands on.

"Where's Suta", I ask.

"Left this morning," the nerd says simply.

"What left?" I ask.

"He said he had a lot of things on his mind", he says.

I Go to the door and take a jacket off the counter and pull it on.

"Where do you think you are going?" the nerd asks as Rufus jumps down off of the counter.

"After my brother", I say opening the door which is slammed in my face.

"If you want to find him, let me come with you", whispers a voice in my ear.

"Rufus, I don't think that-", i start.

"He told me that he was leaving and that if you found him, that, he'd want to talk to me about something important", he says.

"He told me not to let you go, but he said if you did, that he'd have to talk to me, please", he says softly.

"Okay," I say.

"It'll be dangerous", he says as he grins down at me. Why is he grinning? My brothers missing.

"You know that you're wearing my jacket right", he whispers sexily.

I blush and hear laughter.

"Damn, this is like a 3d sex movie with their clothes on", says a voice. Shut up Gay wad.

"Shay, go have sex with your boyfriend", Rufus says.

So that's Shay.

he pulls back and i turn to see a shirtless guy with the words Life Ain't Long on his chest.

I go to my room after that and begin to pack.

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