Chapter 32. Amelia Morgan.

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i don't hear him come after me, but if i wasn't so reckless i wouldn't of did that to him. i knew he hurt himself by looking at me and i could see tears start down his face, and i was running away feeling stupid. I Love him, I love him, I love him. 

I soon stop afraid of the dark and of being tooken again, but that doesn't save me.

I feel hands clamp down on my mouth as i try to scream.

"If you don't be quiet i'll kill your precious boy," says a rusty voice as i feel tape on my mouth and my wrists being tied up.

"Knock her out," says a voice, before i go into darkness.

"Stop following me for once okay, i'm not your girl, i'm not your little girl who you protect, i am leaving, and you should be happy, i should of known from the start that you'd do something like that", i had said rudely.

"Excuse me girl, but let me tell you this, you don't get to tell me who i can and cannot protect or if i should be happy, and you think that kiss didn't mean anything to me, it meant a lot to me, i've never held back with anyone, but Marina, but she's not my girlfriend, okay, i felt something when i kissed you, it was so different that i had to stop and think of how much that effected me, okay, your brother told me you cared about me and that you told him you liked me, i liked you before that too, and when he told me that i thought maybe that i could.. you know what who cares, unlike girls; men actually understand what a stupid thing jealousy is", he says as i see the glisten of tears on his face.

That was the last thing he said to me and the last thing i told him.

I wake in a van and i see Rufus sitting awake and he has blood trickling from his brow. I feel tears on my face and i am so scared i am shaking. I want his soft voice reasurring me we'll be okay.

he scoots closer at a green light and i shiver as i lean into him.

His preasance is warm and i feel scared still. i look up at him and his mouth is taped to. he nods to a bar on the floor of the back of the van and i reach for it grabbing it in my hands. i hand it to him and he soon has his hands untied. he unties mine and untapes my mouth. he leans over to my ear.

"Grab that crowbar over there", he says as i nod and grab it off the wall of the van silently.

"I'm sorry", I say softly." We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me."

he pulls me close.

"Be strong for me, okay and it isn't your fault, it's both our fault,, if i didn't say that you wouldn't of doen that i'm sorry too", he whispers in my ear, his lips grazing my ear.

the van is silent from then on. him with the bar and me with the crow bar.

when they stop and open the back Rufus and i are fighting them off, but they get him pinned on the ground, but i am able to grab one of their guns on the ground and hit one in the head. the others run off.

Rufus groans on the ground as i help him up into a sitting position.

his arm is bloody and his lip is split and blood is trickling down his chen.

"You okay", I ask as he nods. once he's up he cries out when i pull his arm.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask.

"I think my arms broken", he says.

"Hey, it's okay, we'll drive back to the restruant and we'll get in the truck, come on", I say bringing him into the van.

i close the back doors and he sits slumped in the car passenger.

i drive back and he fixes a cast out of his tank. i drive us to a hotel far out of town, it took us two hours and i almost fell asleep at the wheel, but he helped me.

once in the hotel room i get warm water for him.

I sit down next to him as i pull the tank off his shoulder from his cast he made. he groans as i lay the hot wash rag on his arm. i see his tattoos and he sees me staring.

"their beautiful", I comment as he smiles.

"This might sting", I say as i lay a antiseptic to his arm he groans, then relaxes.

"I'm used to it", he says holding up a syringe and sticking it in his hurt arm moaning.

he wraps his arm up looking at me sometimes. 

"Thanks for helping me", he says.

"Thanks for helping me", I say softly as i stand.

"Amelia wait, sit with me", he says softly as i nod and sit down.

he leans forward and his lips graze my cheek, but he backs up crying out as his arm hits the bed back board.

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