Chapter 30. Suta Morgan.

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As i step onto the gravel road from my car that I turned over, I smell asphalt. I breath it in feeling like i did the wrong thing, leaving her.

I begin to walk, I had stolen that car and got a little drunk after i couldn't stop thinking about if my sister was okay. My father is closer than before, he's left home, left the cave for the second time in his life. He left for the first time when Amelia was just four years old, i left at age eight, all three of us into battle, Amelia was just supposed to stay hidden in this bush i told her to stay in, but she's so reckless and to caring to stay. she tried fighting for me, but was dragged away by a US soldier.

I walk for a while, until i come to a building that looks like it broke down in a fire. it's windows are torn and glass is all over the ground.

I decide to stay the night there, so i kick my way in through a broken window. I climb in and land in a horse pin. This must of been a old barn of sorts.

Flies bug me as i walk through the tumbled barn. some stalls are worse than others, but the one i jumped into looks the best, so i settle down in that one, just as i hear voices.

"No, bro i am serious i heard a guy in hear, i wonder if he'd join us, you know like we could use another guy in our group", says a low voice as i hear footsteps come closer.

"He looked like he'd rip someones head off, are you sure?" says a scared young voice.

the footsteps stop and i only have time to look up.

"Boy, what you do in camping out in a godforesaken place", says a man that has holed jeans and cowboy boots.

I stand throwing my backpack on.

"Just a dare from a fellow", I lie.

they laugh.

"Do you want to maybe join us, we have some really hot women", they say.

i grin. Maybe i could get her off my mind with sex. let's try.

I follow them down a lond dirt road and into a house filled with cigarette smoke.

they stop infront of a door.

"Be our guest", they grin as i give them a confused stare, then i open the door.

a girl is on the bed asleep, but naked. I grin.

"Stay away", I say closing the door.

i go over to the bed and run my hand up her leg.

"Hey, baby, you want a few rounds", i say as i pull off my jeans and shirt.

she moans and i get on top of her.

"Damn", she says and then i feel her push me under her.

my eyes widen.

she pounds down on my erection in my jeans.

"Oh, god, you huge", she moans as she leans down.

"But, please don't hurt me", she whispers as i see her scared eyes.

I feel hurt.

"Oh, i am so sorry, they told me that you girls would want to," I stutter and she laughs.

She leans off the bed and pulls my shirt i pulled off; on.

she lays down beside me and it's then that i see her tears.

"My brothers are such dicks, they always hurt me, do you think you could get me out of here", she cries as i look at her. Oh my god, they touch her like that all the time.

I reach over and cup her cheek.

"Is that window able to open", I ask softly as she nods.

"Okay, um, do you have any clothes", I ask. she shakes her head.

I pull out some boxers and shorts and sandals; i hand them to her.

"Here, put them on, I'll put some clothes on too", I say as she nods. we get dressed.

How wierd, i meet a girl fixing to have sex with, but then i put my heart out to her, well i am nice to women, no doubt.

"I'm ready", she shivers.

"Okay, hey, i'll take you as far as i can, we have to walk, because i kind of got drunk and turned my car over", I say. she laughs softly.

I smile at her.

"Your funny", she whispers as i hear yelling.

"Oh, no," she says.

i kick the window open and pull her out. we run as far as we can, until we can't see the house.

i slow to a walk and see her limping. what's wrong with her.

"I don't think i cna make it", she says as i see blood slide down her leg.

"What happened", I say picking her up.

"They did something to me, before you got there, i don't want to talk about it", she says.

"you don't have to", I say as I walk forward.

"Thank you for saving me", she asks.

"Why not save a beautiful, cute girl", I say as she blushes.

"No ones ever said something like normal or sweet like that to me", she says.

"Well, i'm glad i did", I say as she smiles and lys her head on my shoulder.

Damn, is love supposed to be like this?

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