Chapter 40. Rufus Peterson.

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She looks so nervous, and she tries to hide it as Chet passes, but he wins by giving her a sideways sly smile. 

Damn, boss put her in her place so quickly.

She covers her face with her long brown hair and tries to act like she isn't nervous. It's kind of cute, well really cute.

I smile as Chet passes again, going over to Ian and Shay who are trading spit again. Gross! 

One time we were on a road trip for fun, we were going to Michigan to see Bosses friend Cassandra who asked if we'd come over for a dinner party. I had to wear a suit and i hated it. Well, at the party Cassandra sat beside Shay and Ian and she kept googling them with her eyes and touching shay in the most manliness places.

Chet kept shooting daggers at her, he and her aren't the closest friends, but he does use her for information over criminals and stuff like that. She and I had quit a time in the kitchen at our old military base, but that was before i changed and fell in love with Amelia. Anyway, we stayed the night at her house and well when everyone went to bed in her living room. she had a small house For Your Information! two bedrooms, a kitchen, and bathroom plus the very tiny living room we had to crowd into.

Well, Cassandra is a huge slut and anyone who sees her knows it. If your wondering if Chet is, think twice before even asking him that or he'll kick your little ass over a camel and jam it down a cactus. Ouch! Well, I go to bed and a hour later i hear moaning. Shay and Ian were sleeping in front of me and Jed. and their blankets are going up and down. Scary! for a guy whose right next to a gay couple.

Well, i see a blonde head pop out of the covers and Ian and Shay too. I couldn't help but laugh, but it was so gross whenever Shay and Ian started doing it where we could all see. Well, we left that night with Chet pulling Shay and Ian by their asses and smacking them in the face for their innapropriate behavior.

"Rufus", Chet's voice cuts the air sharper than a knife. Damn, boss don't yell at me i was just reciting why it's so gross to be gay!

"What", I say as i feel Amelia gripping my hand so tight my knuckles are white.

I look down at her and she's nervous. I know even if she's hiding it the best she can.

"Did you hear anything i sadi", he asks.

"Of course, just trying to think of it", I lie as he decides not to respond to my lies.


"Get to work", he says and then he leaves.

I wonder if Suta and Marcy are comming.

"What are we doing", I ask as soon as Amliea drags me to a back corner.

"You weren't listening you liar, i knew it", she says hitting me lightly on the chest.

"Hey, I was actually remembering a vacation we had", I say.

"What vacation?" she asks.

I tell her about Cassandra, leaving out the part about having sex with her on the kitchen sink at the military base. and I tell her about how Chet kicked Shay and Ian's ass.

After i tell her she is laughing with a huge smile.

"Wow", she smiles as she calms her laughter.

"So, what are we doing", I ask after a moment.

"He told us to decide on a song and then he'd help us put a dance together", she says as i nod and lean against the wall.

she leans against the other wall, her legs crossing over mine. I slide into the corner.

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