chapter 34. Suta Morgan.

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It feels like forever before i get to a hotel and get a room, laying down the girl who passed out in my arms from too much blood loss.

I dig in my bag for the first aid and pull the shorts down on her to see the deep cut on the back of her thigh.

I stich it up after giving her some painkillers and then wrap it up.

I let her sleep after and warm up some soup for her just in case she needs anything to eat.

I turn the news on after.

The president's son is on the screen and he is talking about my sister.

"She entered the States at age four by a US soldier named Davis Michaels. She could of overheard them talking about her and she ran for her life escaping, she is now headed toward canada, but she might turn back, we must make all violations of capturing her soon. Also, sightings of her brother were seen in Oklahoma and recently our army was in a deaf battle with their father's army that is bigger than it has ever been since 2004 and we must back up with the army. my father has decided to send only volunteers and that if it gets worst he will have a second draft, in the world".

I hear shuffling and turn to see her up and she's crying.

"Hey, you okay", I say going over to her.

she nods and sits up shaking her head after a moment.

"Hey", I say sitting down next to her.

"Know ones ever done that to me, saved me, Thank you thank you, Could i possible tag along with you, i mean i won't be of any imposter", she says.

"Sure, why not," I say as she smiles and looks at the nightstand.

"The soups for you, i couldn't find anything else in my bag but soup, theres a lot more where that came from", I say handing it to her. her hands shake as she takes it.

"They'll find me", she says softly.

"Who?" I say.

"My brothers and his men, they're after a girl, the one on the TV their talking about, they talk about war all the time and are getting ready for it, and they are planning on getting her", she says as i stiffen.

"Woo you're saying that they are rebels from the bad side", I say phrasing it for her easily.

"Yeah, Why?" she says as i grip my hair.

"Are you okay?" she asks putting her soup cup down and laying her hand on my arm.

i shake my head and put my head in my hands.

"My sister, i have to find my sister, we need to find my sister", I repeat over and over.

"You have a sister", she asks confused.

I nod.

"Okay, lets find her, if you need too, okay", she says softly nervously.

I nod and pack my things.

she eats her soup quickly and i help her walk outside.

I look at the row of cars and steal the Mustang at the end. I pick the lock with some of my hangers in my bag. the door unlocks and we get in. I connect wires under the wheel to give life to the car and we are off.

I don't even know where she is.

"You are good at technical stuff", she says as i stop at a gas station pulling out all my technology to find Amelia.

When i find her i almost scream. She's headed right into a group after her. I need to contact her. I dig in my pocket to find my phone and Rufuses number i gave him before i left. I call, but no one picks up, then again, and he picks up.

"What the fuck are you calling me in the night", he says.

"Listen there is a group right after you, get out of there, now, i'll explain later, i'll meet you at the house soon, we have a problem and i know i told you i have to do this, but i can't let them get to her, they were on her the whole time", I say hanging up.

She is watching me mostly, her eyes filled with fear. She's scared i'll hurt her.

"Hey, i'm sorry if i am making you uncomfortable", I say durning a red light.

"Sorry, i'm just scared that'll they'll hurt me if they find me", she says softly as the light turns green.

"Hey, they won't touch you, i'll kill them if they even try", I say reasurring her. she shivers and nods as i see a tear slide down her face.

I've never been like this with a girl, but Amelia. I haven't ever reasured a girl she's safe, but Amelia. I feel so different with this girl, she's been through a lot like i have, maybe even more. 

she watches me still, but her tears are comming fast, so i pull up on the side of  the road.

I turn to her.

"Hey, it's okay, i will protect you okay, you'll be safe, i promise", I say pulling her close.

she shivers and cries into my shoulder.

she doesn't hug back, but she does stop crying. 

i pull away and start back onto the road.

"Why are you protecting me?" she asks after a few moments.

Because, she deserves a better life.

"Because, i want to and you deserve to have a life worth it", I say softly.

she smiles and looks out her window, staying silent for the rest of the way back. it'll take us two days.

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