Chatper 16. Amelia Morgan.

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I wake in my bed room they gave me, my door isn't locked, but it's closed.

The alarm is off too.

Thank God.

I stand and open my door stepping into the hall.

When i get to the middle of the hall i hear the doorbell, then I see the nerd and Rufus, and the guy with the tattoos and peircings come out of a room and head to the door. 

But, that's not what makes me so superstisious. it's the guns in their hands and their fire and rage in their eyes.

then i hear the door open.

I don't hear anything they say, or see the person who was at the door, all I see and hear is all the people in the house filing out into the living room blocking my sight of the visitor and the sound of low whispers.

This scares me, who could it be. Was it something about me?

I make my way to the living room, but i still can't see.

But i can hear, clearly.

"Where is she", Says a low voice so demanding it sends chills down my spine.

A picture of a boy fighting a guy much stronger than him in war forms in my mind. 

"Fucking tell me before i kill all of you", says the voice as i can't help it anymore.

I push through everyone in front of me and soon i am in the middle of the living room where everyone is circling around.

A man in a motorcycle Jacket, a shoulder pedestrian bag, Jeans, and military boots stands there.

His hair is dirty blond and messy like he hasn't brushed it in days, his eyes are a dark blue, the color of the ocean. his cheek bones are high and give off a edgy look. his posture is threatening, a gun is in his hand with a pistol head connected at the end of it. 

As i look into his eyes i see the picture of the boy fighting the big strong guy i thought of earlier.

"Ame", He says softly.

"How do you know my name?" I say as i look at him.

"It's me Suta", He whispers.

I almost burst into tears, he didn't die, he didn't die, He didn't die. 

"Your a-", I start as i feel the tears start down my face.

"Alive," he whispers as he pulls me into his arms like he used to.

"Oh my God," I cry as i hug him tight.

"Damn your beautiful, Didn't think i'd know if it was you or not," he breaths agaisnt my ear.

"Okay, Enough terrorist, get your hands off her", says the nerd.

Fuck him.

"Hey, If i ever see you even a foot away from my sister, i'll make your worst nightmares come true", Suta says in a voice that makes me shiver.

I pull away.

"How did you, he was so much stronger than you, how did you-" I start.

"After they dragged you away, I fought him harder than anything, i tried to get to you, but they just kept crowding in, i thought i lost you", he says as his fingers brush my hair away from my eyes.

I wip my tears.

"How did you get away?" he asks.

"I heard the soldier and the nurse panicking about having a terrorist their and so i made a run for it", I say.

The Girl Is Wanted (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ