Chapter 47. Suta Morgan.

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I hear the door open and turn, Marcy stands there with her hair up in a tight messy bun and a sweater of mine. She gives me a reasurring smile and comes over to the window i sit at. She sits down indian style. Her stomache is getting bigger and last night she ate alot. 

I reach over and graze her tummy, we've gotten really close since i saved her. she shivers, but smiles and lays her hand on mine.

"I think i'm going to name him Eric and if it's a girl I'll name iher Kaylee", she says smiling. I smile as she grips my hand.

"Why are you so kind to me?" she asks as i look at her.

"Because you deserve it and your nice to me. I like it", I say.

she smiles and then i see her pink lips.

I wonder how those would feel to kiss, i've kissed girls thefore, but those where bitches, not this beautiful girl in front of my. I lick my lips and lean closer till i feel her breath on my face.

"Can i try something", I ask as she shivers and takes a deep breath. She nods.

I lay my hand on her cheek and then i lightly brush her lips. she gasps and then i press my lips to hers. I feel her arms go around me and i kiss her deeper as she runs her hands into my black silky hair.

I hear a knock and we pull away. I fix my hair grinning. I love her.

she blushes and fixes her clothes.

"Suta", syas a soft voice.


I kiss her cheek and go to the door.

I open the door and she stands there with red rimmed eyes.

I pull her ino my arms.

"Hey sis", I say as Marcy appears.

"I'm going to go get something to eat," she says.

"There's strawberry your favorite", Amelia smiles. Marcy cheers and makes her way to the kitchen.

"Can we talk", she asks as i know what she means.

"Yeah, come in, i'll be in the bathroom real quick," I say.

she nods and comes in. I close the door and go into the bathroom, locking the door.

I stand in front of the mirror with my hands curled into fists. I don't think i can do this to her, but i have to. I become more angry as i turn on the hot scoulding water. I soon can't help it anymore. I punch the mirror and cry out as I slip to the floor crying. 

"Suta!Hey let me in, Suta", she cries behind the door. 

The door bangs open and Blake stands there with Marina, Amelia in front of them.

She slides down taking my hands.

"Hey, what the hell were you thinking", she whispers softly as she grabs a towel and wets it. She cleans my bloody knuckles and cleans them of any glass. Blake cleans the blood off the mirror and Marina gets bandages.

Once my knuckles are fixed up, Marina and Blake leave.

Amelia stays behind with a scared expression, before i see the tears streaming down her face.

I look in confusion from the tiles i sit at.

"Amelia, why are you crying", I ask as she shakes her head.

"Please tell me", I say standing.

I wince as i graze the wall with my knuckles.

"You, i'm crying because of you," she says softly.

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