Chapter 14. Suta Morgan.

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"Tell my father I am leaving, i am going to find my sister, i caught sight of her," I Tell Pinal, my gaurd of the cave.

"Are you sure your father is okay with this", he says.

"I don't fucking care", i say.

he tries to stop me before i load onto my jet, but i push him away. Enough of Fucking father.

I start down the jet path and soon i am flying steady.

i see red lights flashing on the jet map. three red dots.

Shit, targets. Should've known my father wouldn't let me leave. I swerve in the sky and the targets lose track of me in the clouds. i soon land in Canada about six hours later. It's dark out and cold. I grab my bag and put my pistol in my jacket.

I found her at a house adress in Michigan, so i have to drive 4000 miles tomorrow.

I hope she is safe. Please let her be safe and happy.

The Girl Is Wanted (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ