Chapter 15. Rufus Peterson.

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She didn't get even a mile, before my brother captured her back and knocked her out. I yelled at him for it. She should get heer freedome for fucking sake, i'd run away too if he did that to me.


I sit on my bed banging on my controller to my PS4 playing Grand Theft Auto. Blade is beside me and Marina is Asleep on the bed.

this bean bag is killing me.


my door bangs open.

"Hurry, it's an imergency," Jedidiah says as we stand and leave Marina to sleep.

we follow him to our Technical room and right when we walk in we see the red dot on the map projected onto the white screen. the red dot is comming fast and towards our destination.

"I caught it when i acidently wasn't paying attention. I can't figure out who it is, but i have traced the path and it leads straight for Michigan, I don't know if it's dangerous, it might just be something else a mishap, but we are going to handle this like it's a bad problem", Jed says.

"He's been stopping some, probably for more help, or something, but by the looks of it i don't think its anything good", Jed says.

We nod. This isn't good at all, probably on her way of running away, she might of got caught sight leading to phone calls to people saying she was here, thoose people could be a gang or worse the Government agents.

"For the time being she can't leave the house," he says.

Fuck you.

"Have you ever thought that maybe the reason she keeps acting like the way she does is because you keep locking her up, Why don't you let her have some freedom, I would run away too if i was locked up like that, seriously god Jed, stop doing this to her, she doesn't like it, no one would," I yell at him.

"I am making the decisions and i might not agree with them, but their the best we can hold onto, now leave before i get even more mad", he says as the dot stops.

the dot is right ontop of our location. 

Holy fuck.

we all go silent and then we hear the doorbell.

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