Chapter 43. Amelia Morgan.

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His arms are firm on me as we slow dance to the next song. He and i sit down on the steps afterward.

he holds my hand as he looks out at the lake far away.

"Your silent", I say.

"I need to tell you something", he says smiling and gripping my hand.

"Okay", I say.

"I need to tell you before you get any ideas of her. Cassandra and i were together one day, two or three years ago, i wanted you to know that i don't care for her at all and i don't give a shit about any girl but you, i need to tell you, because she is really stupid and does things to guys who make her jealous, and i want you to know that i won't let her near me", he says as i move closer understanding.

"I could read your expresssion when she was around, you looked at her like she was a bitch, and she is," I say as he laughs and lays his head on my shoulder.

"We should get back", he says softly as he stands up. I nod and grab his arm as i stand. he wraps his arms around me and we go back to our room. Good thing his phone didn't die, or else we'd probably find the wrong room. we walk in and lock the door behind us.

"I'll be to bed in a minute, i need to take a piss", he says as i smile making him blush.

I take off the sleep pants, shoes, and jacket before i lay down under the sleeping bag palet we made before we left.

I fall asleep to the humm of the sink and his razor. Take a piss, no you needed to shave.

I smile as i go farther into sleep. 


I wake to the sun shinning threw what looks like stained yellow windows. It's really warm and i'm sweating. Why am i sweating?

I snuggle into the covers and kick a wall of heat. Shit, whose in bed with me. Oh, Rufus. Wait, RUFUS! he never stays all night with me.

I turn around in a flash and find a grinning Rufus laying there.

"Wow, you look like you jumped out of your underwear", he says being the bad boy he is.

I go crimson and he laughs into my ear as he pulls me close.

"What all did we do last night", I ask.

"Wine, i guess you did get drunk", he says.

"The last thing i remeber is dancing and you telling me about the bitch", i say reciting the events i remeber.

I see three wine bottles on the ground by the TV and a box of honey buns not fully empty.

"Honey buns for breakfast', I say sitting up.

"Now, if i knew you'd do anything for a honey bun, honey. I'd of bought you ten boxes", he says as i jump at the word Honey.

"Really", I say as he messes up my hair.

"Yeah, babe", he says as he takes up the palet.

He's shirtless and in his boxers under the covers with me.

I slide back down feeling hsi warmth and skin against my shoulders.

the tank top is loose and i can feel his muscles through it.

"God, your so warm", I say as i move closer.

"Yeah, babe, but we have to get up, the guys got up an hour ago, i stayed behind, their eating breakfast already, come one, wake up", he says as i decide to get up and atleast take a shower.

"Fine, i'm taking a shower", I say as i walk into the bathroom.

The shower is in ruins, but I can tell by the mat and the broken tiles moved to the side that someone had been generous after their shower.

"Thank me later", Rufus calls.

"Thank you now", I say as he laughs.

I grab my bag and head back into the bathroom locking the door. I see the toilet is unclogged. What a relief.

I sit down on the toilet seat feeling some relief to myself. 

A shower, hot steamy shower.

I turn the water on, and it runs on the floor since the drain is in front of the toilet. who ever built this room is such a dumb ass.

I finish my shower and throw on a unfamiliar brown shirt that says I Love Myself on it.

I pull on leggings and my snow boots, before leaving the bathroom.

"You look nice", Rufus says as i see that he is dressed in shorts, but he still resembles shirtless.

I smile and we head up to the kitchen.

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