Chapter 13. Amelia Morgan.

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I wake on my bed and my door back up and locked. This time with a door alarm. I bang against the wall angry.

Fucking hell is what it is. I can't stay here any longer, or else i will lose my mind.

"Some body better open this fucking door", I yell.

"Go have sex!!", Yells the Nerd so loud i could feel the walls vibrate. 

"Fuck yourself", I yell.

"Bro, Let the Bitch out, dude, or else she'll go crazy", I heard a guy from the room beside mine.

"Fine", Yells the nerd.

the door opens in a click and i walk out.

I first need to get food and and then leave.

I make my way to the kitchen which smells like coffee and pancackes.

I see Rufus sitting on the counter by the stove with the red head gril laughing at something he said, as she flips pancakes.

everyone else is crowded at a dinning table i didn't see in the living room.

When the wood creaks under my feet, i hear crickets as everyone goes silent looking up.

i decide to tell them i'm leaving.

"I'm leaving," I say as i decide to just leave without breakfast.

I head to the door.

"In that", I hear a sexy voice. Rufus.

 Go to Hell! 

I stomp to my room throw on sweats, boots, jacket and sweater with sunglasses and head to the front door.

"Hey, you can't just leave," I hear the nerd say.

"Why can't i just leave, Locking me up, taking my rights of a human being, which i could be on my way to Mississippi by now, i don't stay in a place longer than a week, and even if i did, i sure as fucking hell wouldn't stay in a house with people who don't give a damn how they treat a person whos been on the run since age three, i am leaving, and i don't fucking care if they find me," I say as i bang open the front door and the screen that are finally unlocked for once.

I trudge down to the side walk and start to jog.

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