Chapter 18. Rufus Peterson.

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She loves her brother a lot, all through dinner her and her brother laugh and joke and talk about what happened while each other were seperated. And in the living room after he turns on music on his phone and it's some russian crap.

"I remeber when we'd dance with mom, i remeber that dance we made. to this same songe", he says as he takes her hand.

then they start to dance. so beautiful. we are still eating too. she looks so happy as he catches her.

"You aren't getting away that quickly beautiful", he says.

He's the most kindest brother i've ever seen. they end the dance laughing.

"I remeber how you'd run around the house from mom and dad yelling i smell cookies", he smiles at her.

I elbo Jed, but i see that everyone is watching.

"Love you," she says as he starts to leave the room.

"Love you too", he says softly and leaves the room.

She sits down on the couch smiling and happy.

Suta doesn't come back out that night.

when I get up at twelve, i walk into the living room and see Amelia watching a Movie on TV.

she is alone.

"Hey, that was a pretty cool dance", I say trying to make conversation as i sit down in a been bag beside her been bag.

she smiles.


"I can see how much you and your brother love each other, i've never seen anyone so in love like that, so close, even though you've been seperated, i can't imagine how you feel", i say as she pauses the movie and looks at me.

"I've never been this happy, since the last time i was playing tag with my brother, before the war i mean", she says softly as i feel deep pain.

"Your so happy with him, different with us handling you, he knows how to maybe he can help us with keeping you under control", i grin.

"Under control", she says as i graze her hand accidently. her skin is so soft. I picture the scar i saw on her.

I feel a deep ache.

"I am happy with him," she smiles.

"Your so kind, and then so mad, and it's kind of sexy," I grin as she blushes.

"Thank you, wait is that what i'm supposed to say", she says nervously.

"It's perfect," I say as i see Suta come in.

"Hey, you should get some sleep", he says gently as he kisses her head.

"I'll stay up, make sure know one kiddnaps my loving sister", he grins as she stands. he takes her place in the bean bag moving it a little away from me.

"Kay, I love you i love you i love you", she repeats.

"You too, no go sleep, before i can chase those nightmares away", he smiles. she leaves smiling.

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