Chapter 21. Rufus Peterson.

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Her frame is small and up tight. So sarcastic and rude. Too pretty and perfect. Too good. Such a good girl. But, I won't lie I am falling for her everyday and soon i won't be able to pull away so easily.

I pack my clothes and weapons and technology to track down her brother, but ever since he left this morning, Jedidiah says he hasn't even broken through even a fourth of his system he is using.

That's not good, because then she'll think i am a phony and a lie and that i just wanted to set her up. I Like her a lot and I just want to make sure she stays safe. Jed doesn't know i'm leaving, but who cares.

I finish packing and go knock on her door.

"Just a moment", she calls as i open the door ignoring her moment.

she stands in a undershirt and boxers. I grin. Her legs are slim and so smooth i just melt and want to run my hands up them.

I want her to be mine, mine. Mine, so no one will ever get her.

Her legs are full of muslces and curves and imperfections.

her arms are smooth too and i want to run my hands up them too.

"Holy shit get out", she says as she pushes me out of her room. she closes the door and i start to laugh.

"Oh boy i'm lucky," I say sexily.

"Shut up perve or else i'll go alone", she says behind the door.

"Nice legs by the way", I say grinning as i imagine her blushing crimson.

she opens the door five minutes later.

"Thought a moment ment six years", I say.

"I'm not one of those girls who takes five hours to do their hair and put clothes on", she says.

I take her to Chet's pickup and leave a not on Jed's car.

I start the engine noticing she's still wearing my jacket.

"So where too?" I ask.

"I don't know your the one at the steering wheel", she says sarcastically as i pull out.

"Fine, Minnesota", I say rolling my eyes.

we drive to breakfast since she hasn't eaten and she buys some coffee. Then we hit the road again.

we talk sometimes, but others we just turn on the radio and listen to music.

"So, um you were born in?" she asks.

"Canada, Athens", i answer her.

"Must of been amazing", she says softly like she's jealous.

"Not at all", I say.

"Why do you say that?" she asks.

"Because i didn't grow up like normal kids with loving mothers fathers, my life was like i was in war with my family and myself", I say softly.

My father was a asshole, and hit me around with my brother when my mother wasn't around.

"What do you mean like you were in war?" she asks looking at me as i pay attention to the dark road. my headlights on the road.

A deer saves me by the bell from answering her question.

It jumps into the middle of the road and I honk my horn.

"Fucking deer", I yell out the window as i pull out my cigarettes, feeling frustrated.

I light a cigarette and puff smoke out the now open window.

"Are you going to answer my question?" she says a few moments after the deer and my cigarette lighting.

I look at the road and grip the wheel, she can't know my father abused me, she'd think i was messed up and stupid. She wouldn't like me.

But, she grew up with terrorists, maybe she wouldn't think of me as messed up or stupid.

"My father wasn't like a normal father", I say hoping she'd get it.

a few moments of silence pass, then a few more, before she speaks.

"What was he like?" she asks softly as i notice we are about a foot away from being side by side.

"Not kind, rude", I say as she makes a small sad sound.

"I'm sorry, i know how you feel", she says softly.

Knows how i feel?

"What do you mean?" I ask. Well her father is a terrorist, but wouldn't he be nice to his daughter.

"It's dark we should stop for the night", she says pointing at a hotel in the darkness.

Maybe i shouldn't ask a question like that, maybe it's hard for her to share things about her family.

I nod and turn in to the hotel.

we get a room with to beds, since two rooms would be 250$ each.

we grab our bags and go in. She's silent for most of the night, after that question. I feel really bad for asking it, i was just curious.

"I'm going to take a shower", i say as i grab some clothes and go into the bathroom closing the door.

I look in the mirror and see that i need to shave.

but, something is missing. I look deep at myself. i have grown a little taller and stronger. my jawline is wide and edgy with tiny black hairs poking out. Good thing i brought my shaver.

I pull my shirt off revealing my tattoos. I have one across my shoulders and collar bone that reads "Faith is Obedience."

Another one is on my arms, there is a cross on my right shoulder and a navy seal on the under side of my arm and a huge tree tattoo on my back, then I didn't mention the hawk flying into flames, on my left butt cheek.

I pull my jeans off and stand infront of the mirror in my boxer shorts. I look a few inches taller and more muslces have groan in.

I'm only seventeen, come on dont' make me look old.

I run my hands into my hair gripping them.

Today is my mother's birthday, the first time in my life i forgot about my dead mothers birthday.

I put my head against the door in a sober content.

My mothere was my sunshine, she was my everything, always knew how to put a smile on my face.

I pull my boxers off and jump into the shower washing all the aggression and pain away.

I get out a few moments later and shave in my boxers with the door open.

I can hear Amelia walking around.

"Hey, i need to-", she says at mid sentence, but stops when she comes and stands in front of the door; spotting me shirtless and in my boxer shorts.

"Yeah", I say looking at her. She is staring at my chest her eyes different than before, i've never seen that look in her eyes. Her eyes are lighter.

she goes back to normal five seconds later and looks up.

"Yeah", she says.

"You need to", I say as a grin splits my face. she was Checking me out.

she blushes.

I have shaving cream on my face and its dripping down my chin.

"I'll just wait till your done", she says and walks off fast.

What is up with her? She's beautiful and sure she's a bit embarrassed after getting caught red handed checking me out, but I would be embarrassed,too.

The Girl Is Wanted (Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt