Chapter 33. Rufus Peterson.

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She is kind to me while she sits there with me, we talk about ourselves and about fun times and she makes me laugh a lot.

Her smile brightens her face and Her laughter makes me warm inside.

"Want to play truth or dare?" I grin as she sits indian style in front of me.

she smiles and nods slowly.

"You first", she says as i rub circles on her hand.

"Truth or dare", i ask.

"Truth", she says.

"Do you love me?" I ask.

she smiles and nods slowly nervously.

Oh my god.

"Truth or dare", she asks.

"Truth", i say.

"Do you love me?" she asks.

i say yes loudly.

"Truth or dare", i ask.

"Dare", she says nervously.

I smile.

What to dare?

"Take that shirt off", I say softly as she shivers and lifts it over her head revealing her undershirt.

she shivers as she lets it fall to the floor.

"Truth or dare", she asks.

"Dare", i say.

"Take that shirt off", she says as i try.

she helps me and i feel her hands touch my bare shoulders as she lifts the shirt over my head.

she sits back down.

"Truth or dare", I ask.

"Dare", she says as i grin. I could make her kiss me.

"I dare you to kiss me", I say as she gaps at me.

"You can't back down", I grin as she scoots closer, then her hand shakes as she lays it on my shoulder, then her lips meet mine, and i pull her close with my good arm as we fall onto the bed.

i open her lips with mine suck on her lower lip as her hands grip my hair.

she pulls away.

'Damn girl", I say as she blushes and buries her head in my bare shoulder.

she sits back up.

"You should get some sleep", she blushes.

she stands and goes and lays down turning the lights off.

I stay up like last time and watch her sleep, but it's until she turns around that i see her eyes open in the darkness.

"I think we accomplished something", I say softly.

"Oh really," she teases as i nod.

"I'm not tired, but i'm comfortable", she smiles in the dark.

"Me too" I say.

she smiles and looks into my eyes.

"I love you", I say as she smiles.

"I love you i guess", she says.

"I guess, hmm i might have to get over there and make you guess again", I grin as i stand up and make my way over to her bed. I tickle her and her laughter echos off the walls of the room and back again. 

"No, let me sleep", she laughs as i fall in bed with her. The covers land ontop of my hips as she tries to get away, but i end up pulling her into my arms.

 I pull her close feeling comfortable.

"Love you", I say as she smiles.

"We just did a truth and you said you loved me," I remind her.

I shouldn't push it.

"I'm sorry for pushing you", I whisper as she shivers and turns to face me.

"I like you", she says softly as she looks up at me.

she doesn't even register how close we are.

I look down at her as i let my hand run into her soft hair.

"I like you too", I say.

she smiles and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Your warm", she whispers as i pull her close blushing. I've never been with any girl, but Marina like this, but I know that this girl is mine. she's mine and now i must protect her.

she is soon sleeping softly and i get out of her bed pulling the covers over her. i lay down in mine and close my eyes.

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