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"So you are honestly fine?"


"Really fine?"

"Are you hitting on me?"

"Stop that-"

The words she was about to say, were long forgotten because of the sight before her.

"Did you honestly think this was real?"


John was fading, his arms were becoming a fragments mixing with the atmosphere.

"It isn't real, none of this is real."

Not able to form a response, she blinked at him but all she saw was him quickly slipping away from her.

"I'm sorry Sairah."

Everything was blurred, the hospital bed was no longer there and John was no where to be seen. All Sairah felt was a punch in her gut because oxygen was finally entering back in her system.

"Sairah? Can you hear me? It is me, wake up!"

[1.2] Poop & Pee |  ✓Where stories live. Discover now