The 30th Annual Ultimate Guys Week, Day 1

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This was the day we all packed our bags and headed off to the forest to have the Ultimate Guys Week!!! We all packed, everyone got ready and we headed off. Bulma, Chi-Chi, and Baby Trunks went on a week long vacation and we had guys week.

When we made it to the forest, it looked the same as last year. I had the Tournament Board with me, new painted pegs for Vegeta and Future Trunks. I paint pegs for the tournament board for each person, it looks like their face when I finish the peg. The board I make is like a bulletin board but it is made of cork with a protective coating made by Bulma so it wouldn't be damaged from the pegs on the board and that it would last a very long time.

Everyone was ready for the first activity, setting up camp. Everyone had to set up their own tent. We made it a race everytime, who ever gets their tent up and stable gets to pick first for the first tournament of the week.

I was very fast, and one that race. I had a the first choice. Yes! I love the tournaments! I love to fight, a lot. It's like second nature to me, the fighting is what a really loved, to show what you got in battle.

After awhile we had the tournament all set, then four hours later it was the final match, Me vs. Vegeta.

* Hi everyone!

I know it was a shorter chapter but I love leaving cliffhangers and setting scene chapters so I hope you enjoyed it and I will update soon!


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