"Stupid bet," - Marichat

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It rained. It rained for like two weeks. And Marinette was stupid enough to forgot her umbrella. Again. 

She sighed as she ran away from Alya's house. They were also going somewhere and Marinette was to shy to ask if she could borrow one. 

She sighed as she walked downstreet with nothing but her jacket to keep her warm. 

"Oh, Marinette. Why are you so forgetful?" Tikki popped her head out of Marinette's purse. 

"I don't know. I just am," she sighed. Tikki hid, not wanting to be too wet. 

A car drove downstreet and ran over a puddle, so she got splashed. 

"Really?" she nearly yelled. She started running, because she didn't want to catch a cold, even though she knew she would anyway. 

"I'm surpised I actually can protect city from akumas," she muttered below her breath. 

"Princess? What are you doing without an umbrella in this weather?" a very known voice stopped her. She turned on her heels and faced no one else than one of the superhero duo standing infront of her. He put umbrella over her head, so the rain wasn't falling on her anymore. 

"I forgot my umbrella," she sighed. 

"Yes, I can clearly see that," he laughed as he watched the girl infront of him shiver. 

"C'mon, Princess. Let's get you home, before you 'cat'ch a cold," he said, hugging her over the shoulder. She didn't protest, she just went with it. She thought it was because he wanted to keep her warm, but he knew better. For him it was so he could touch her. 

His little Princess was on his mind 24 hours of the day and he couldn't shake it off. He started liking her, even though he couldn't never admid to himself. His heart still belonged to his lady.

They stopped infront of the bakery. 

"I'll meet you at your balcony," he said. 

"Why?" she asked curiously. 

"Because, you see. If we don't take of you properly, you can catch a cold," he said, giving her one of his famous smirks. 

"No, I mean why don't you come in through the door? My parents aren't home," she said and laughed at his face. He couldn't believe he just got invited in and that voluntary. 

"C'mon kitty cat," she said and laughed it off. She started developing a massive crush on him, even though she would still choose Adrien over him.

The girl and the cat-looking boy entered the bakery and they were more than happy that nobody saw them. No one wants rumors. They are just awful.

She went to change her clothes and expecially told the cat to stay there. He did as he was told, even though he couldn't help himself to secretly take one of the croissants. 

She quickly changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. She left her hair wet and went back to Chat who was waiting for her in the bakery downstairs. 

"You can come now," she said and shook her head. Chat and her started talking, a few weeks ago. They don't even remember how it happened. They just know it did.

Chat walked behind her upstairs first into apartment, then in her room. He was here as Adrien, and once as Chat when they were trying to defeat The Pupeeter. But that's all. 

"Nice room," he complimented. 

"Thanks," she said and sat down in her chair. Now that she could finally think properly she remembered the bet she made with Alya. 

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