Chapter 8: The Break Up. (P2)

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The song began to play.

When I think about you-

Dipper slowed down the tempo. It has the same lyrics, but the pitch was lower. He adjusted it in different tempos, but nothing worked.

Stan hummed suspiciously. "That's not even spit-worthy! What gives?"

You cheerfully drank your soda. "Oh, nothing happened. Guess I was right after all!"

"What, is that it?!" Dipper frantically adjusted the switches. He groaned. "This was so stupid! Of course there were no hidden messages or codes." He sighed. "Mabel was right. Wendy just liked Robbie."

You frowned at Dipper, seeing him down in the dumps just made your afternoon more depressing as it is.

You jumped when the door opened, revealing Wendy talking about how she forgot her keys.

Robbie approached the three of you with a smirk. He looked at Dipper. "Hey junior, whaddya doin'? Trying to come up with an equation to make girls like you?" Robbie laughed at his own joke.

It would be nice to punched him hard in the face right now...

...but fortunately, you restrained yourself.

Wendy came back with keys dangling on her finger. "Ready to Look Out Point?"

"I sure am!" He wrapped an arm around Wendy. "Bye, dorks! See you on the rewind." He then turned to Wendy, proudly saying that he made that up.

You shook your head. What an idiot.

Stan threatheningly raised his closed fist. "I'll rewind your face!" He sipped the last of his soda. You followed him, also drinking your drink.

"Wait," Dipper said as he realized something. "REWIND!" He rushed over to the record player and put his finger on the record, spinning it backwards.

yOu aRE nOw UnDer mY cOnTRoL
yOuR MiNd iS miNe

Stan did a spit take, as you gulped.

"No way."

"Holy mackerel!" Stan expressed.

You scoffed, smiling. "Now that's worthy of a spit take."

Dipper boastfully laughed. "I knew it! It's mind control after all." He then frantically told you that you need to save Wendy.

You shrugged, feeling hesitant again. "I guess." You thought that it was too big of a deal.

"Finally! A good reason to punch a teenager in the face!" Stan grinned and you all went to his car.

In the vehicle on the way to the cliff of Look Out Point, you were silently contemplating about the situation.

Dipper noticed. "Y/N, are you alright?"

"Yeah," Stan joined in. "You were off the entire week. What's going on?"

You smiled weakly. "Nothing. I'm just really tired." You half-lied.

"If you say so..." Dipper let you go. "Step it up, Grunkle Stan! We gotta be there on time!"

All the time, you were thinking how this will turn out. What will Wendy feel?

Cutting of your train of thoughts was brought to you by Stan's awful driving. His sudden brakes were the worst.

All of you ran towards Robbie's van.

"Wendy, stop! Robbie has been lying to you!"

The both of them were shocked to see you all the way from the Mystery Shack.

"Wendy," Dipper said, without a hint of nervousness. He wanted to end their relationship once and for all. He placed the VHS tape inside.

At first, there was a slight mistake, but when Dipper pushed the button, Wendy believed that she was manipulated and used after hearing the reversed one.

So she stormed out of the van after officially breaking up with the lying, selfish jerk.

You carefully rushed to her side and asked, "Are you okay?" You knew it was the worst question to ask after you saw her broke up with someone, but you didn't have nothing else to say.

"No. Guys are the worst."

"It's going to be okay." You were not really the best person to go to when one needs comfort, but you want her to feel that she's not alone.

After a while, Dipper approached the both of you with a huge smile on his dorky face. "Hey, Wendy!" You wanted to slap the smile off of his face. "Grunkle Stan and I were thinking... bowling..? Or something--"

"Dipper," you cut him off, ushering a crying Wendy away for you to talk to him privately. "What is wrong with you? You see Wendy breaking up with someone who she thought she could trust and you'd expect her to just go bowling with you?"

That only made Dipper go silent.

"Just leave her alone, please?" You said, before taking your leave. "Oh, by the way," you turned around. "I am ignoring you for one week."

Dipper watched you walk away with his heart clenching. He thought this was the best day ever, but he didn't know this could also be the worst one.

Nonetheless, he and Grunkle Stan went home, had a little talk, and figured that they should have some sleep.

Not before he saw you stomping up the stairs and slammed her bedroom door shut.

Dipper climbed up the stairs half-heartedly, going to his own bedroom in the attic. He went to his bed after removing his socks, hat, and vest.

He layed down before looking up at the ceiling, recollecting his thoughts. He hoped tomorrow is'nt going to be as bad as today.



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