4. Simply Irresistable

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His lips were so soft. I felt like a first grader getting my first kiss, but with more experience. It was so magical. I had never imagined myself kissing him, or even him kissing me. His soft hands rubbed through my back and they were giving me the chills.

How could I get this lucky?

Slowly, I felt his lips part away from mine. I didn't want to stop kissing him.

"I don't want to leave you just yet..." he whispwred, his lips placed right beside my ear.

"Let's go to a park." I said spontaneously. "It's quiet and we can just walk or just sit on a bench. Unless you don't want-"

His lips cut me off before I could continue. This time, our kiss wasn't in an urgent heat but a gentle pace at which I melted directly into him.

"Let's go."


Before I knew it, we were sitting in the complete darkness in a park. I had taken off my heels and rested my two feet on Ian's lap. One of his hands lay on my foot while the other held my head down onto his shoulder.
It was completely quiet and peaceful.
No other sound filled the silence other than our mixed breaths and the far away sounds of children and laughter.

I gently began humming the tune of my favorite song as ian brought me closer to him. I couldn't seem to get enough of him, or him of me.

"I love this." He whispered. "But I need you closer."

His hands gripped at my waist as he lifted me onto his lap, placing my legs gently on either side of his lap.

"Keep humming." He commanded quietly.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and into his hair as I brought my lips only inches away from his ear, and began to hum. The tune escaped me and morphed with the sounds of nature.
His hands danced along my spine, up my hair and carrying on in their restless journey until they finally settled on my backside. I let my fingers softly grip his thick hair while I momentarily paused my humming to kiss his jaw or neck.
I loved this.
A feeling of complete and utter bliss grew at the center of my chest. It spread down to the tips of my toes where they escaped down to the earth.

The moment I stopped humming and the song ended, Ian stood up, lifting me with him.
My feet didn't touch the ground, but hovered only inches away.

"What are you doing?" I giggled as he slowly placed me onto his shoes.
His feet began moving and mine with him as he started humming. A new tune this time, but a familiar one nonetheless.

"I'm dancing with this beautiful woman I just met but feel as if Ive known my entire life, in an empty park." He muttered in my ear. "And I don't want to end the night here. Come home with me, Lisa."

"Yes." I said, without thinking nor hesistation. It was as if my heart wanted to go but my mind was the responsible one. I was considering both but I had already replied.

Without further hesitation, he brought me to the geound, never letting to of my hand, and led us to the limo. I looked up to the magical stars one last time and thank the higher power for everything.

It was the best night in my life.


Ian's POV

She was gorgeous. Her green eyes shined in the moonlight, while her golden brown hair flowed down her back. It was almost impossible for me not to kiss her. Her lips were just there, on her beautiful face, waiting to be kissed, taunting me with their presence.

(Editing) On a date with Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now